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- Abraham Bladwell
- Adam Bowett
- Adam Fromond
- Adam Imanpour
- Aelfnoth Dinasbeck
- Aelnod Kemp
- Aelnod Lytcott
- Aelric Fitzgeffrey
- Aethelbert of Sussex
- Aethelwulf the Clark
- Ailwin Boddinham
- Ailwin Playters
- Alan Cheverton
- Alan Fogg
- Alan Gosebourne
- Albert Roscorla
- Albinus of Falmer
- Alchfrid Farrar
- Aldfrid Shepherd
- Alexander Fortescue
- Algar Fitzwilliyam
- Algar Shingleton
- Allen Fisher
- Allen Mortymer
- Amaran Hewage
- Andrew Griffith
- Andrew Woode
- Angenwit Aberberry
- Anne Milton
- Ansketel Livesey
- Ansketel Rowe
- Ansketil Wardrieu
- Anthony Crosland
- Arnold Ruge
- Arthur Brougham
- Arthur Corby
- Arthur Dasgupta
- Arthur Deacons
- Asketel Sencler
- Aslac Joslyne
- Augustin Metcalf
- Augustin Tweedye
- Augustin Westlake
- Avery Bende
- Avery Hunden
- Eadlac Bender
- Ealfled Warrer
- Ealhstan Hammer
- Edmund Evrenden
- Edric Cary
- Edric Jowchet
- Edward Eyston
- Edward Fayneman
- Edward Kyllyngworth
- Elgar Ertham
- Eliza Acton
- Elizabeth Seymour, Duchess of Somerset
- Elric Brampton
- Elyas Hatteclyff
- Emanuel Rufford
- Engelard Ingwalding
- Erasmus Warde
- Estmar Drumdale
- Euros Mayfield
- Gabriel Champneys
- Gabriel Wolrond
- Thomas Gage
- Gawain Marten
- Gawaine Lysle
- Geoffraie Audeley
- George Asplyn
- George Eglisfelde
- George Godley
- Gerard Helme
- Gilbert Dering
- Gilbert Plymmyswoode
- Giles Everdon
- Godfrey Peltie
- Godric Beresford
- Godric Milsent
- Godric Norbury
- Godwald Forester
- Gregory Chyrche
- Griffin Killigrew
- Grimbald Acwalding
- Guthlaf Carpenter
- Guy Burgess
- Hamilton Hardy
- Hamo Moore
- Harald Wythinghall
- Haulfrun Gentle
- Henry Pelham
- Henry Percy, 1st Baron Percy
- Henry Radclyffe, 2nd Earl of Sussex
- Herbert Morley
- Herebert Westlake
- Herefrid Skinner
- Herrig the Taverner
- Hervey Kydwelly
- Horace Pocock
- Hrothgar Rat-Lord
- Hugh Tyndall
- Jacob Lymsey
- Jacob Sandes
- James Brownyng
- James Cabral
- James Fabyan
- Jasper Faylare
- Jodoc Lytcott
- Jodoc Shevington
- John Colepeper, 1st Baron Colepeper
- John Dodson
- John Frost
- John Kipling
- Josce Cooke
- Josce Glover
- Joseph Chechester
- Joseph Playters
- Joseph Willmer
- Joshua Dely
- Joyce Yerde
- Julian Hasler
- Julian Richeman