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- Abraham Drayton
- Abraham Pascoe
- Adam Norwood
- Adam Windsor
- Aelbehrt the Parker
- Aelfgyfu the Parson
- Aelfhelm Chapman
- Aethelswith Brewer
- Aethelswith the Boatwright
- Ahmed Hassan (terrorist)
- Alban Staunton
- Albert Hills
- Albert Shackley
- Albold Skipper
- Alcfrith Purcell
- Alchfrid Aberden
- Alexander Aynesworth
- Alfie Slater
- Alfred Fabian
- Alice Sharpe
- Alkelda Drage
- Allan Keeton
- Allan Whittemore
- Allen Cradduck
- Allen Eyston
- Allric of Linster
- Amor Battyl
- Andrew Stunell
- Androwe Francey
- Androwe Holland
- Androwe Saynsbery
- Androwe Treningham
- Angela Richardson
- Angus Murrish
- Anthony Albury
- Anthony Burgess
- Anthonye Dove
- Anthonye Harper
- Aquila Auldyngton
- Archie Darrington
- Archie Mulford
- Arild Trechester
- Arthur Ashpole
- Ashfield Blackburn
- Ashley Addison
- Aubrey Mildenhall
- Augustus Harris
- Augustus Rosson
- Austen Brinksmere
- Austin Barks
- Austin Lampshire
- Ayland Coulthurst
- Ayland Merstun
- Barnard Buryngton
- Barnard Montacute
- Baron Badger
- Bartram Windham
- Ben Keeton
- Ben Spencer
- Beornmod Herelafing
- Bernard Ballett
- Bernard Ruggenale
- Bert Dorring
- Berthelm the Coleman
- Bertram Angove
- Bertram Linger
- Blaine May-Porter
- Brichtrede the Warf
- Brihtsige the Paget
- Brinley Lambourne
- Bruno Cole
- Brunweard the Hooper
- Brunwulf Godmunding
- Aubrey Burroughs
- Byrhtferth Miller
- Callum Sharkey
- Carl Bowsher
- Carter Gordon
- Ceawlin Culwick
- Cenhere Porter
- Centweald the Purcell
- Ceolfrih Carpenter
- Ceolheard Auchwardine
- Chambrs Darley
- Chandler Holloway
- Charlene Dubke
- Charlie Trevarthen
- Charlotte Calpreth
- Cherize Miller
- Christopher Fossey
- Christopher Mattingley
- Christopher Rutherford
- Christopher Sherington
- Christopher Spargo
- Claire Carlsen
- Eric Clapton
- Clara Gordon
- Clark Farrington
- Claud Goodspeed
- Claudine Rexford
- Clayton Ponsonby
- Clement Attlee
- Clement Prior
- Clifford Green
- Clyde Jansen
- Cornelius Calder
- Cornelius Thrall
- Count William of Surrey
- Cranley Onslow
- Cuthbert Purvoche
- Cuthbert Widdowson
- Cuthburg Walker
- Cuthburga Carpenter
- Cuthert Stewart
- Cuthwine Hooper
- Cynebehrt Warrer
- Cynestan the Shepherd
- Cynferth Challender
- Cynidr Ceaforing
- Cyril Searson
- Eadhelm Salter
- Eadwine of Southwark
- Ealdred Wayne
- Eanfrida Wells
- Eangyth the Carrin
- Eanlac Freeman
- Eanmaer Conner
- Earl John of Surrey
- Eastyn Alington
- Eastyn Ayshecombe
- Eastyn Morecote
- Eawyn Hooper
- Ed Jezzard
- Edgar of Guildford
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- Edmonde Esmund
- Edmonde Gascoigne
- Edmonde Halshan
- Edmonde Sandes
- Edmund Sayer
- Edna Duvey
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- Edward Winchester
- Edwin Northway
- Edwin Pates
- Edwin Treadaway
- Egbryht Brefield
- Egbryht Carter
- Egferth Achtoft
- Eli Northway
- Eli Spanswick
- Elisha Leighlin
- Elisha Quintin
- Ellis Klein
- Ellis Whitely
- Emanual Torryngton
- Emanuell Woode
- Emily Thornberry
- Emlyn Rosson
- Emma Glover
- Emmanuel Jephson
- Enoch Michaels
- Eormenburh the Purcell
- Ephraim Breedon
- Erasmus Bernard
- Erasmus George
- Erasmus Peele
- Ernest Liddicoat
- Ernest Peirce
- Ernie Niles
- Esau Clifton
- Esau Corby
- Esdras Notyngham
- Esdras Oxenbrigg
- Esdras Thomas
- Ethbin Dinwick
- Euros Pascoe