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- Aaron Dunkkins
- Abraham Prevost
- Adolphus Feathernet
- Adolphus Frynkham
- Adrian Derfpole
- Adrian Dyrey
- Aedilbert Chaffer
- Aedwulf the Stanier
- Aefic the Cook
- Aefic Toller
- Aegenwulf Fearson
- Aelfgiest Sargent
- Aelfheah the Shields
- Aelfhelm the Trotter
- Aelfhun Linton
- Aelfric the Provost
- Aelfsige Coldren
- Aelfsige the Bekker
- Aelfwald of Essex
- Aescwine of Essex
- Aethelbehrt Cleaver
- Aethelheah the Carter
- Aethelmund the Seales
- Aethelwalh the Spicer
- Aethilwald Brewer
- Ailmar Palmer
- Ajax Bunknard
- Ake
- Alan Sedlow
- Albert Hunt (Essex Regiment)
- Albin Coward
- Alcfrith Eoforwealding
- Alcuin Waller
- Aldrich of Essex
- Aldwyn the Voss
- Alfida
- Alfie Crimpleenay
- Alfie Lacknet
- Alfredo Signorelli
- Alfric Dexter
- Alfsige Berecraft
- Alison Swale
- Alkmund Hrothbeorhting
- Allan Bydlelier
- Alrik Spiutsson
- Alward Bender
- Alward the Bacchus
- Alward the Sadler
- Ambrosius Toadley
- Amias Spitton
- Amory Felchelby
- Andrew Tyrie
- Angus Defries
- Archibald Carter
- Archie Cavett
- Arnold Canning
- Arrested B. Mossey
- Artemus Milgrimton
- Arthur Ramsbury
- Ashley Coates
- Athelric Aethelulfing
- Athelric Boatwright
- Athelric the Trotter
- Aunt Mildred
- Austin Goodspeed
- Averil Bunkner
- Averil Bunkson
- Averil Derfress
- Baldric Aberleigh
- Baldric the Cantrell
- Baldthryth the Piper
- Baldwine the Lush
- Balthazar Spanles
- Barclay Blytheersly
- Bardolph Tasker
- Baron Corkscrew
- John Baron
- Barron Buddleingly
- Barry Armwith
- Barry Crumpleham
- Bart Fattstone
- Basil Y. Sexton
- Beadwheard Purcell
- Beauregarde Degglener
- Behrtwald Seal
- Ben Davis
- Ben Dover
- Beornfred the Sargent
- Beornfrith Key
- Beornmund Seales
- Beothuk Smoker
- Bert Crumley
- Bertram Arfers
- Bertram Clatchles
- Bilbo Buggers
- Birstan of Essex
- Bishop of the Ruins
- Blaise Rumpless
- Blaise Tubbwitch
- Blake Bunkymede
- Blake Stalkingly
- Blake Wrenersby
- Bob Neill
- Botolph Mercer
- Botwine the Dexter
- Brandon Armunlet
- Brandon Ratchly
- Brent Bathit
- Brent Curderny
- Bridferth the Killer
- Bridget Sayler
- Brihteah the Warrer
- Bruce Buntcock
- Bruce Frunksbridge
- Brunheard the Machin
- Brunweard Potter
- Burning Love Elvis
- Byrhtferth Seal
- Byrhtnoth
- Byron Eggleetts
- Byron Jorgitty
- Cardinal Swithelm of Waltham
- Carey Skinitage
- Carl Hichens
- Carter Bernets
- Cathy Lindell
- Ceafor the Cheeseman
- Cenberet the Seales
- Ceolfrid the Wright
- Ceolheard the Seal
- Ceolred Stonier
- Ceolwald Tyrer
- Ceowald the Chessman
- Cerdic the Carpenter
- Chad Ratchlet
- Charles Gorningson
- Charles Spurgeon
- Charlie Puddles
- Cheryl from Flat 10
- Christian Skiners
- Christopher Jones
- Clarence Needson
- Clement Eggnell
- Clifford Arfwitch
- Clifford Trolybone
- Clive Dimplelethorpe
- Coelfrid the Stanier
- Coelfrid the Thatcher
- Collum Entswood
- Colman the Marshall
- Colman the Tillman
- Conewalch Sterceter
- Cosmo Pileery
- Craig Borningly
- Craig Frynkwith
- Cuthhere Gage
- Cuthred the Stewart
- Cuthwine the Heard
- Cynebil the Palmer
- Cyneburg the Clark
- Cynegels Tabor
- Cynegils Coleman
- Cynegisl Coldren
- Cynelaf Skinner
- Cynwulf the Harper
- Daedheah the Scully
- Daegheard Stanier
- Daniel Furlet
- Darlene Skinner
- Darwin Chessman
- Dave Harrison
- David Amess
- David Borningly
- David Curry
- David Hibbey
- Derman the Kantor
- Devin Yermellier
- Dexter Tarsmut
- Doddy Crumplewick
- Dominic Shell
- Doug Margold
- Douglas Yermelsy
- Dudeman the Dexter
- Dudley Botchingford
- Duncan Langybone
- Dunstan the Farrar
- Dunstan the Rock
- Dustin Catet