People of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria.
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All items (369)
- Abbess Ingeborg
- Aed mac Eochaid
- Aelfmaer the Chaplin
- Aelfric of Astafon
- Aelfric of Bebbanburg
- Aelfwald I of Northumbria
- Aelfwald II of Northumbria
- Aelfweard Hogg
- Aelfwin the Tyrer
- Aelfwold Snyder
- Aella of Northumbria
- Aethelbert Bailey
- Aethelfrith Coleman
- Aethelmaer the Smythe
- Aethelred I of Northumbria
- Aethelred II of Northumbria
- Aethelwald Moll
- Agorastocles Bruccius
- Aidan of Bebbanburg
- Alcfrith Coleman
- Alchred of Lanfos
- Alfric of Astketh
- Alhred of Northumbria
- Alhstan of Trebost
- An Vestarsson
- Ansfrid the Coldren
- Armod Skeggisson
- Arnthor Heggsson
- Aron Torfisson
- Asbjorn Oddløgsson
- Asfrith Steinmodsson
- Ashwin of Auchterhythe
- Asvald Bergthorsson
- Audbjorn Vikarsson
- Audun the Vault
- Auðunar Authulfsson
- Baeldaeg Shepherd
- Beadured Campion
- Beagmund Naylor
- Beocca
- Beornfrith of Cwmgowt
- Beorward Smith
- Berk the Bard
- Billfrid of Shipcarden
- Billfrith Conner
- Bishop Unwan
- Blann Steinbjornsson
- Blithweard the Tiller
- Borghild the Alewife's Bane
- Bothelm the Snyder
- Bregowine Gage
- Brictled the Century
- Brida
- Brihthere the Thatcher
- Brodir Solvisson
- Brother Athelstan
- Brother Ecgmund
- Brother Geldhere
- Brother Trew
- Brunloc Fiske
- Brusi Hugr-Fire
- Burk
- Byrhtferth of Nantton
- Byrnstan Hogg
- Callin Long-Sorrow
- Cantwine of Kylefos
- Cenbeorht
- Cenbeorht Walker
- Ceolfrih the Rocker
- Ceolnoth Tillman
- Ceolred the Warner
- Ceolwulf of Northumbria
- Chad the Blind
- Clapa
- Coenred of Northumbria
- Coleman the Chaplin
- Cuthwine the Piper
- Cynegels Spittle
- Cyneheah of Langkirk
- Cyneweard Falconer
- Cynhelm Century
- Cynred the Farmer
- Eadberht of Northumbria
- Eadgyfu Voss
- Eadhere the Todd
- Eadmund of Auchborough
- Eadnod the Kellogg
- Eadred Lulisc
- Eadsige Forester
- Eadweald the Carpenter
- Ealdorman Uhtred of Bebbanburg
- Ealgmund the Tyrer
- Ealhferth
- Ealhstan the Stringer
- Eanbeorht Hill
- Eanred of Northumbria
- Eanswyth Mulliner
- Eardnoth Kenelming
- Eardnoth Stonier
- Eardulf of Lindisfarne
- Eardwulf of Northumbria
- Earl Aelfwald of Westmorland
- Earl Oswine of Lancaster
- Earnwulf of Dalleigh
- Earpwald Potter
- Ecgberht I of Northumbria
- Ecgberht II of Northumbria
- Ecgbert Steele
- Ecgfrith Coleman
- Ecgfrith of Northumbria
- Ecgfrithu the Collier
- Ecgmund Tasker
- Ecgred Carver
- Ecgwyn of Northumbria
- Edric the Chaffer
- Edward the Lush
- Egred the Purcell
- Egric of Achholm
- Eoforheard Lister
- Eored the Singer
- Eorkonweald Fowler
- Eormenread
- Eric Bloodaxe
- Erik Thurgilsson
- Erlend Bergvidsson
- Ernmund Grimolfsson
- Esegar of Dalwick
- Haeferic of Auchenbrough
- Hall Karlisson
- Hallbjorn Ljotsson
- Harek Aleifrsson
- Harriet
- Heahred the Century
- Heahstan Boatwright
- Hedin Kotkellsson
- Hella
- Hengest the Coleman
- Herebehrt of Dunglen
- Heremod the Tasker
- Hering the Killer
- Heriolf Stigandisson
- Hersir Harald
- Hjorr Halfsson
- Hondscio of Caerhythe
- Hord Ioketillsson
- Hott Hundisson
- Hrapp Sokkolfsson
- Hrapp Tolasson
- Hreida Meldunsson
- Hreitharr Haemingsson
- Humberth of Shephythe
- Hunburg Dyer
- Hundolfr Bræsisson
- Hythwalda of Kilchester
- Hæming Thangbrandsson