Members of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, including "American Indians" from North America and the natives of South America.
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All items (1381)
- Aayden Brahms
- Abel Aigar
- Abimael Stevenson
- Abooksigun Moreno
- Abooksigun Steelwinds
- Abooksigun Talltalon
- Abukcheech Cunningham
- Abukcheech Flamewhisk
- Abukcheech Flowers
- Achak Bercier
- Achak Bradford
- Achak Dixon
- Achak Gilmore
- Acomash
- Adahy Cobb
- Adahy Henson
- Adahy Moran
- Adahy Randolph
- Agueybana
- Ahanu Steele
- Ahiga Softjumper
- Ahiga Sunsinger
- Ahmik Hodges
- Ahmik Lewis
- Aidro Fourtail
- Akalimanga
- Akando Cooley
- Akando of the Lipan
- Akando Qotama
- Akecheta Farscar
- Akecheta Louis
- Shirley Akheah
- Akule Antone
- Akule Baca
- Akwiraron
- Akwirente
- Albert Black-Feather
- Albério Bellefleur
- Alo Lightforest
- Alonzo Northup
- Alumson
- Alvin Not Afraid
- Amadeus Pinto
- Amber Griffin
- Ammoimusich Wiseshield
- Amoxhua
- Amoxma
- Amoxnen
- Anakausuen Swanson
- Anderson Nez
- Annawan
- Anne Hampton
- Antoinel Hamelin
- Apenimon Ross
- Apenimon Schultz
- Apenimon Shaw
- Apiatan Miller
- Aponivi Farmer
- Apopticatl
- Ar-pi-uck-i
- Hugo Archilleya
- Arlen Bitterbuck
- Ashkacit Fourstride
- Ashkii Stokes
- Aska Chipana
- Askook Hooper
- Askook Smiley
- Asto Ñaupari
- Atcha Twosnout
- Atenati
- Attacullaculla
- Austenaco
- Avonaco Goodman
- Avonaco Hines
- Avonaco Mistshadow
- Avonaco West
- Awan Fowler
- Awan Shorty
- Awasos
- Axayaca
- Ayawamat Durham
- Ayawamat Fleming
- Ayawamat Naquin
- Ayawamat Raingust
- Josephine Baker
- Barboncito (scout)
- Fulgencio Batista
- Bemossed Bryan
- Bemossed Lockwood
- Ben Nighthorse Campbell
- Ben Shelly
- Benny Kinsman
- Berta Caceres
- Bessie Coleman
- Bidziil Drake
- Bidziil Durant
- Big Bear
- Big Bow
- Big Mouth
- Big Tree
- Big-Mush
- Bilagaana Harper
- Billy Hopkin
- Bissell Y. Boody
- Roosevelt Bistie
- Black Horse
- Black Kettle
- Black Shawl
- Black Wolf
- Nathaniel Black
- Blackfish
- Blacksnake
- Blake Desjarlais
- Bloody Knife
- Thomas Blue Horn
- Blue Jacket
- Boasting Sam
- Bodaway Cloudbend
- Bodaway Larson
- Bodaway Mann
- Bodaway Walton
- Bolontiku
- Boston Charley
- Bostu Earthdreamer
- Bow Breaker
- Boy Kicking a Moose
- Bradford B. Lamber
- Joseph Brant
- Brave Buffalo
- Brave Hawk
- Brave Wolf
- Bret V. Hultser
- Buaske Hillshot
- Buckongahelas
- Bull Bear
- Bull Chief
- Cacama
- Caghkoo Weehawken
- Cairook
- Caknu Stonerunner
- Callañaupa Yacupaico
- Canaqueese
- Canhano
- Canojaharie
- Captain Jack
- Carlitos Falling Swan
- Carol Spotted Goose
- Catahecassa Bowers
- Catahecassa Nichols
- Catahecassa Skytotem
- Catecahassa I
- Centetzi
- Cha'tima Boyer
- Cha'tima Fields
- Cha'tima Holloway
- Cha'tima Louis
- Cha'tima McBride
- Cha'tima Stark
- Chackoo Darkpelt
- Chalchiuhpa
- Chalchiuico
- Chankoowashtay Burnett
- Charging Horse
- Charles Curtis
- Charles D. Carter
- Charlotte Rodrique
- Chayton Black
- Chayton Malone
- Jim Chee
- Cheeseekau
- Chejie Youngwound
- Chepi Norris
- Cher
- Cherokee Rainwater
- Chesmu Blake
- Chesmu Buck
- Cheveyo Jim
- Cheveyo Lightshield
- Chicahua Aleman
- Chief Nachi
- Chimalmina
- Chingachgook
- Chipahua
- Chiricopeha
- Chochmo Kodostalker