People of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia.
All items (354)
- Heahmund Smith
- Heardbehrt the Smith
- Heferth the Cleaver
- Helmheard Leodhering
- Heorulf Eorpwalding
- Herebeald Ecgfrithing
- Herebeard Shipwright
- Herebehrt Century
- Herefrith of Lincoln
- Heregeorn Carworthy
- Hereweald Taylor
- Hibald Breley
- Hogg the Burly
- Horsa Frown-Hoard
- Hrothmaer of Brekeld
- Hrothsige Romunding
- Humbert of Shepdon
- Hundbeorht of Lincolnshire
- Hunfirth Norhope
- Hunwald of Lincolnshire
- Hylpric Auchenkeld
- Octavian Claudius Britannicus
- Odoacer Smythe
- Oelfwine of Finley
- Offa of Mercia
- Ongentheow Mansiging
- Ordgar Flax
- Ordric the Skinner
- Orlaf
- Oscytel Cleaver
- Osgar Mulliner
- Osgar Sword-Cloven
- Oslac of Astworth
- Osmaer Cherrier
- Osmund Farrar
- Osmund of Sussex
- Osric Hinman
- Osthryd Bailey
- Oswudu Swetmaning
- Waldhere Milner
- Waldhere Suttoft
- Wealdmaer Geld-Remover
- Weohstan Nanworthy
- Werheard Ward
- Wictgils Heregeorn
- Widmund Hwaetberting
- Wigborn of Inverweald
- Wigferth Challender
- Wighard Dexter
- Wighard of Steadford
- Wighard of Tillyghyll
- Wighard the Gage
- Wighelm Bacchus
- Wighere Eardwuling
- Wiglaf of Mercia
- Wigmaer the Salter
- Wigmund of Cambridgeshire
- Wigmund of Meldeburne
- Wigmund of Mercia
- Wigstan of Mercia
- Wigthegn the Waller
- Wihtgils Cotter
- Wilf
- Willibrord Burghaling
- Winegar the Chandler
- Winfirth Eansiging
- Winfrith Tondberhting
- Winstan Tabor
- Wulfhelm Coldren
- Wulfhere of Mercia
- Wulflead Wayne
- Wulfthere Dunlea
- Wulmar Aldwyning
- Wuscfrea Lhanketh
- Wusfrea Kilwich
- Wyard Parson