People of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia.
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- Acha of Lincoln
- Acwald the Dexter
- Aebbe Brewick
- Aedbald Chandler
- Aegelric Stewart
- Aelfgar of Gainsborough
- Aelfhun Banks
- Aelfmaer Baker
- Aelfnoth Clark
- Aelfric Cumfoss
- Aelfsi Aluarding
- Aelfsi Harholding
- Aelfswith Shepherd
- Aelfwear Voss
- Aelfweard Plummer
- Aelfwynn
- Aethelbald of Mercia
- Aethelflaed
- Aethelfrid Tyler
- Aethelfrith of Mercia
- Aethelfrith Turner
- Aethelgyth
- Aethelheard Trotter
- Aethelmaer Eanlacing
- Aethelmund of Carlea
- Aethelred II of Mercia
- Aethelred Leofricsson
- Aethelred Mucel
- Aethelred of Mercia
- Aethelstan Half-King
- Aethelswith of Mercia
- Aethelthryth Rock
- Aethelwald Bradea
- Aethelweah Pittun
- Aldhelm
- Aldred Ecghering
- Aldwulf Warf
- Aldwyn Beorthwulfing
- Alfgar Webb
- Alfilda Inman
- Alwyn Chambers
- Anchoress Eadburga
- Angeltheow Campion
- Arnulf Trainer
- Ascferth Frobisher
- Ashwin Elderling
- Baegloc Farrar
- Baeldaeg
- Baldwulf Stanley
- Barduwulf Cotter
- Beda of London
- Bedfrith Cutter
- Bedhelm Culport
- Bedhelm Stanier
- Bedwig Cater
- Behrtferth of Dinasdale
- Beorhtwig Wincaster
- Beornfred Woodsman
- Beornred Kellogg
- Beornstan of Lhanworth
- Beornwulf of Mercia
- Beorthmaer Harding
- Beothuk Caereig
- Berhtwulf Sigelacing
- Berthun the Farrar
- Bertwic
- Bishop Eadweald of St. Ethelberts
- Bishop Eanfrith of Burton
- Blithweard Todd
- Botulf Singer
- Bricteva Dyer
- Brictric Bowman
- Brigid
- Brihteah Farmer
- Brihtnoth Waller
- Brihtwald Burghelming
- Bryning the Mason
- Burchard Chaplin
- Burghal the Waller
- Burghred of Mercia
- Cathwulf Cuthhearding
- Cathwulf Guthmaering
- Centwine Lister
- Ceolbert of Mercia
- Ceolnoth Fuller
- Ceolred of Mercia
- Ceolwald of Mercia
- Ceolwulf I of Mercia
- Ceolwulf II of Mercia
- Ceowulf Ceowulfing
- Coelfrid the Tanner
- Coengilsus Walhhering
- Coenred of Mercia
- Coenwalh Mason
- Coenwulf of Mercia
- Cola Cniht-Scribe
- Conewalch Carter
- Countess Beorhtgifu of Shrewsbury
- Countess Ealdgyth of Northampton
- Creoda of Aylesbury
- Creoda of Mercia
- Cudberct, Eel of Earth
- Cynebehrt Bradfield
- Cynefrid Hygbalding
- Cynered Leadbetter
- Cyneswith Aedilhuming
- Cynewald of Mercia
- Cynewulf
- Cynhelm Frithowulfing
- Cynlaef Haraldson
- Cynon of Gloucester
- Eadgyfu Dyer
- Eadgyth Spicer
- Eadild Parson
- Eadith of Mercia
- Eadlac Balthering
- Eadric of Shropshire
- Eadulf Aelfweard
- Eadwig the Falconer
- Eadwine the Taylor
- Eadwold Erwining
- Eadwyn of Oxfordshire
- Ealda the Campion
- Ealdbehrt Cumdon
- Ealdorman Burgred
- Ealdorman Ludeca
- Ealdorman Selwine
- Ealdwine Ashwining
- Ealhswith
- Ealric Humbealding
- Eanbeorht of Inverfield
- Eanbhert of Gloucester
- Eanfrid Tabor
- Earconbert
- Eardwulf of Mercia
- Earl Eadgar of Northampton
- Earl Leofric of Shrewsbury
- Earl Osweald of Derby
- Earl Plegmund of Lincoln
- Earpwald the Foal
- Ecgfrith of Mercia
- Ecgfrithu Lhankirk
- Ecgheard Godwyning
- Ecghere of Caergowt
- Ecgred Seal
- Egferth Bruning
- Einhard Auchenshaw
- Ekbert Skipper
- Ekkehard Hammer
- Eluric Lulling
- Elwin Steadketh
- Eorforwine
- Erwald Parson
- Estmund the Paget
- Ethelhild Dundale
- Ethelhild Warner
- Everildis Bekker
- Eward Barber