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- Abantes of Koressia
- Abantes of Vytina
- Abantes, son of Aristocypros
- Abantes, son of Lysias
- Abas, son of Milanion
- Abascantus
- Abascantus, son of Aeimnestos
- Abderos the Deal Breaker
- Abderos, son of Cephissos
- Abia the Shaded
- Abronychus, son of Xuthos
- Acaeus, son of Nomion
- Acaeus, son of Prothous
- Acestes, son of Koragos
- Achilleas Paulas
- Achilles
- Acrisius, son of Thukydides
- Adonis Speropoulos
- Adrasteia the Pungent
- Adrianos Tolou
- Aeetes
- Aegeus
- Aegicoros
- Aegicoros, son of Nastes
- Aenesidemos, son of Amyntor
- Aeskylos
- Aethon
- Agamemnon
- Agapios Leventidis
- Agapios of Taras
- Agathokleia Phylarchid
- Agenor the Barbarous
- Agesilaus, son of Laodocus
- Aggeliaus
- Agis II
- Agis III
- Agis of the North
- Agis, son of Attaginos
- Agnodike of Pharsalos
- Ale Agriasides
- Aiantes, son of Mausolos
- Aikaterine
- Ailos, daughter of Ctesippus
- Airlea the Joyful
- Akakios, son of Anaxilaus
- Aktis
- Alcibiades
- Alcimos, son of Therapon
- Alcinous
- Alekos Paulidis
- Alevas
- Alevas of Aitolia
- Alex Comidis
- Alexander I of Macedon
- Alexander IV of Macedon
- Alexander the Great
- Alexander V of Macedon
- Alexandra the Ravager
- Alexandros Ioannotis
- Alexinos of Oreos
- Alexios
- Alexis Salidis
- Alkestis, son of Loxias
- Alkis Marageas
- Alkiviadis Geriades
- Alkmaion, son of Cleobulus
- Alkon
- Alypius
- Alypius, son of Simoisius
- Ambrosia the Sea Witch
- Amiantos the Vacuous
- Amphimachos, son of Nisos
- Agelaus Amphimnestides
- Amulius Vesnius Tetullianus
- Amunet
- Anargyros Ganatos
- Anargyros Politotis
- Anastasios Rosselis
- Anastasios, son of Podaroes
- Anaxagoras
- Andras
- Andreas Nicolatos
- Andreas Zografotis
- Andrianos Gerotsis
- Androbulos, son of Eumneus
- Androdamos, son of Eurysthenes
- Androgeus, son of Homeros
- Andromeda
- Andronikos Galanelis
- Aniketos Nassatos
- Aniketos, son of Iasos
- Aniketos, son of Konon
- Antemion, son of Aschines
- Eliza Anthe
- Efstathios Anthis
- Anthousa
- Antichares, son of Orestes
- Antichares, son of Trypho
- Antigonus I Monophthalmus
- Antikles, son of Eryalus
- Antikles, son of Thaulos
- Antipatros, son of Ariphron
- Antiphales, son of Abydos
- Antonios Andreadakis
- Antonis Laskiades
- Antonis Marinelis
- Anytus, son of Apollodoros
- Anytus, son of Eubulus
- Aoide (Olympian)
- Aoide the Tough
- Aphaia the Ebon Serpent
- Apollodoros, son of Glaukos
- Apollodorus the Sicilian
- Appius Pisentius Apellinus
- Appius Umbrenius Sabinus
- Arcesilaus of Naulochus
- Archelaos, son of Irus
- Archelaos, son of Olus
- Archidamus II
- Arete (daughter of Dionysius)
- Aretha the Dragon-Skinned
- Arethousa the Toothless
- Seleukos Argadides
- Argiris Christilis
- Argos, son of Atreus
- Argos, son of Dromeus
- Akakios Argyros
- Ariadne
- Ariadne the Bow Blocker
- Ariathate the Winner
- Aridolis, son of Gordias
- Arion, son of Metron
- Aristaios, son of Trophnus
- Aristandros, son of Acroneos
- Aristandros, son of Kritoboulos
- Aristarchus of Athens
- Aerope Aristides
- Aristidis Mutatos
- Aristidis Pipelis
- Aristodemos, son of Thales
- Aristodemus of Sparta
- Aristogeiton, son of Ucalegon
- Aristogeiton, son of Zethus
- Aristomache of Lamia
- Aristos, son of Alcimos
- Aristotelis Alanellis
- Aristotelis Nicolallis
- Aristotle
- Aristotles, son of Neokles
- Aristoxenus, son of Philotas
- Aristoxenus, son of Tydeides
- Arkadios
- Arkippe of Pharsalos
- Arrabaios, son of Euphorbos
- Arruns Atilius Flaccus
- Arybbas the Devious
- Ascalaphus, son of Iambulus
- Ascalaphus, son of Konon
- Asius, son of Sabas
- Asklepios, son of Cyrenios
- Asonides, son of Echëeus
- Aspasia
- Assaraeus, son of Ephialtes
- Assaraeus, son of Polyphemous
- Assaraeus, son of Xanthos
- Aster, son of Archesilaus
- Asterion
- Astrabacus, son of Cratippus
- Astrapios the Exiled
- Athamas, son of Labotas
- Athanasios Remellis
- Athenion
- Attaginas, son of Onetor
- Atys, son of Ennychus
- Augustus Plinius Trebonianus
- Autodikos, son of Kalchas
- Autodikos, son of Kandaules
- Autolycus of Rhegion
- Auxesia