People loyal to the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.
All items (6917)
- Alec O. McGonigal
- Alec P. Clair
- Aleck B. Moffatt
- Aleck T. Koplin
- Alejandro A. Barbb
- Alejandro F. Maples
- Alejandro Q. Pawley
- Alejandro X. Hoober
- Alem K. Whittiker
- Aleoscius W. Cafrey
- Alessio Frutig
- Alex MacGregor
- Alexander D. McClellan
- Alexander E. Lovell
- Alexander E. Steen
- Alexander Graves
- Alexander H. Stephens
- Alexander Lawlor
- Alexander Nagle
- Alexander O'Ferrell
- Alexander P. Stewart
- Alexander P. Winkler
- Alexander Q. Jump
- Alexander S. Esine
- Alexandre Latour
- Alexandria N. Whiffin
- Alexandria P. Cachelin
- Alexandria T. Norvell
- Alexis X. Rodgers
- Alf M. Farnahue
- Alf Q. Forebaugh
- Alfie McGregor
- Alfonso T. Byrne
- Alfonzo M. Ray
- Alford D. Conners
- Alford G. Beardsley
- Alford K. Mussy
- Alford R. Echtemacht
- Alford X. Mathox
- Alfred B. Connell
- Alfred Briggs Irion
- Alfred Cumming (general)
- Alfred Moore Scales
- Alfred Mouton
- Alfredo F. Dehue
- Alfredo T. Malony
- Algernon J. Trendell
- Algie N. O'Hara
- Algie V. O'Hara
- Alice Y. Summerville
- Alison C. Ledger
- Alison C. McCann
- Alison J. Cassoll
- Alistair Scott
- Alivin A. Royce
- Alivin E. Lowcumer
- Alivin F. Plemons
- Alivin M. Lidgard
- Alivin T. Hickman
- Alivin T. Tapp
- Alivin Y. Clabaugh
- Allen F. Richardson
- Allen R. Fleshauer
- Henry Watkins Allen
- Allie G. Eaton
- Allie G. Ickes
- Allie L. Pollard
- Allie S. Beales
- Clay Allison (resistance)
- Alma G. Granger
- Alma R. Speckman
- Alma Z. Motley
- Almarine A. Hanley
- Almarine I. Austell
- Almarine Q. Monteith
- Almarine S. Dunn
- Almer Y. Bumpass
- Almerion R. Daplyn
- Almerion X. Bunce
- Almond Q. Criss
- Alodio Mas
- Alois C. Thill
- Alonzo E. Adkinson
- Alonzo O. Thornhill
- Alonzo P. Grass
- Alonzo W. Metz
- Aloysius A. Bumpass
- Aloysius V. Bodwell
- Alph S. Tannrath
- Alpha G. Coon
- Alpha W. Seed
- Alpha Y. Mason
- Alpheus H. Pilant
- Alpheus T. Mannix
- Alphonse F. Caricker
- Alphonse U. Loop
- Alphonse V. Barrick
- Alphonso D. Greegeory
- Alphonso E. Hughes
- Alphonso I. Breiner
- Alphonso P. Bannester
- Alphonsus R. Castinu
- Alphonsus R. Pettitt
- Alrah C. Wambold
- Alrah E. Ruff
- Alrah Johnson Bereridge
- Alsey T. Higginbothom
- Alsey U. Holoday
- Alston G. Malony
- Alsup P. Vangordon
- Alsup Z. Redhage
- Altabás Abellán
- Alto D. Eby
- Alto R. Phillipar
- Alto S. Fageley
- Alto X. Dey
- Altonil L. Bowling
- Altonil N. Hanley
- Altonil R. Felthauser
- Alvah U. Haffuer
- Alvan R. Roseh
- Alvan U. Wyamore
- Alvarado P. Scroggins
- Alver M. Depue
- Alver N. Peugh
- Alverado P. Burton
- Alvi G. Lucore
- Alvi N. Rule
- Alvia A. Hurt
- Alvia K. Enders
- Alvia L. Klein
- Alvia O. Gile
- Alvie C. Keeler
- Alvie I. Shaefer
- Alvie J. Rink
- Alvie N. Munt
- Alvie Z. Lee
- Alvis X. Phillips
- Alward D. Leglee
- Alward S. Ohtwiler
- Alward V. McWinthey
- Amado K. Vanderbergh
- Amado R. Quirk
- Amasa S. Chott
- Ambers U. Lacy
- Ambrose B. Seaward
- Amet W. Depuy
- Amet W. Dore
- Amet Y. Lewis
- Amhalgaidh Ó Gruagáin
- Amhalgaidh Ó Raghailligh
- Amhlaoibh Mac Cluasaigh
- Amhlaoibh Ó hAinbhthín
- Ami H. Joice
- Amias Brannon
- Amiel Alloways
- Amil Q. Belden
- Amil R. Russnogle
- Amisa F. Hushbarger
- Amisa J. Shawl
- Amisa X. Kruger
- Amittai Lambright
- Ammon E. McGaffey
- Ammon H. Province
- Ammon N. Kountry
- Amon D. Thompson
- Amon I. Yusem
- Amon J. Kinney
- Amon W. Legote
- Amos Bennett
- Amos Cowan
- Amos L. Whitcomb
- Amos McLemore
- Amos N. Fairbanks
- Amos P. Battishill
- Amos T. Akerman
- Amos Z. Bixler
- Amoury Pothier
- Amund U. Frank
- Amzi McClelland
- Ananias N. Conaway
- Ananias T. Orten
- Anastacio E. Craasman
- Anatole Q. Laughlin
- Anatole W. Griffen
- Ancel W. Wameke
- Anderson B. Hatchell
- Anderson J. Sucha
- Anderson M. Donavan
- Andre A. Grovesnor
- Andre N. Holiman
- Andres C. Severs
- Andres Y. Penderbaugh