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- Abascantus, son of Aeimnestos
- Abdastartus bat Eshmunamash
- Abdastartus bat Hailama
- Abdeshmun bat Eshmunamash
- Abdmelqart bat Ahiram
- Abdmelqart bat Baldo
- Abdmelqart bat Germelqart
- Abdmelqart bat Sakarbaal
- Abdosir bat Bodmelqart
- Abibaal bat Ugarit
- Bedezorus bat Abibaal
- Addir bat Akbar
- Addir bat Sikarbaal
- Addonia bat Annibale
- Adeimanthos, son of Melanthios
- Adohnes bat Annaba
- Adohnes bat Baalhanno
- Adohnes bat Shamayim
- Adon bat Adonibaal
- Adon bat Batrun
- Adones bat Abdosir
- Adones bat Itthobaal
- Adones bat Milkyaton
- Adones bat Yehawwielon
- Adonia bat Aqhat
- Adonias bat Batrun
- Adonibaal bat Adoniah
- Adonys bat Barekbaal
- Adonys bat Bedezorus
- Adonys bat Hannibal
- Ahiram bat Beirut
- Ahirom bat Qarnaim
- Akbar bat Ahinadab
- Aktor, son of Peisandros
- Alektryon, son of Phoenix
- Amilcare bat Danel
- Amphion, son of Codros
- Amphitrion, son of Asonides
- Amyntas, son of Priskos
- Androbulos, son of Eumneus
- Anibal bat Botrys
- Annaba bat Yutpan
- Annibale bat Adonibaal
- Antisthenes, son of Clonius
- Aqhat bat Bodashtart
- Aradus bat Adonys
- Aradus bat Yehawwielon
- Aridolis, son of Gordias
- Arvad bat Donis
- Asopodoros, son of Lykomedes
- Astartus bat Balthezar
- Azmelqart bat Aderbaal
- Baalhanno bat Abdosir
- Baalhanno bat Hammon
- Baalshillek bat Eshmunazar
- Baldo bat Belshazzar
- Balthasar bat Paltibaal
- Balthazar bat Itthobaal
- Balthezar bat Abdosir
- Balthezar bat Beirut
- Baltser bat Aradus
- Baltser bat Eshmunamash
- Balzer bat Carthage
- Barekbaal bat Addonia
- Barekbaal bat Hamilcar
- Batrun bat Adones
- Batrun bat Hammon
- Batrun bat Tabnit
- Azmelqart bat Batrun
- Bedezorus bat Ashtzaph
- Bedezorus bat Tyre
- Belos, son of Dmetor
- Belshazzar bat Abdeshmun
- Belshazzar bat Aradus
- Berut bat Hanno
- Bion, son of Morsimus
- Bion, son of Nicodromos
- Bodinelqart bat Baalhanno
- Boldizsár bat Bodinelqart
- Botrys bat Baalshillek
- Botrys bat Danel
- Butacidas, son of Peirithous
- Maiandrios, son of Triton
- Matullus, son of Theocydes
- Melanippos, son of Leukos
- Meles, son of Orestes
- Melqartpilles bat Paltibaal
- Melqartpilles bat Utica
- Menekrates, son of Agathocles
- Milkherem bat Baalhanno
- Aqhat bat Milkherem
- Milkpilles bat Adohnes
- Milkpilles bat Bodinelqart
- Milkyaton bat Adonis
- Myrto, son of Asterion