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- Adelard Baldean
- Aedbald Baldon
- Aedbald Voss
- Aedilbert Thatcher
- Aefic the Cook
- Aefic the Steele
- Aegelric Graves
- Aegelric the Waller
- Aegenwulf Fearson
- Aelbehrt the Parker
- Aelbehrt Tillman
- Aelfmaer the Sawyer
- Aelfnoth Dinasbeck
- Aelfnoth the Fearson
- Aelfric the Provost
- Aelfsi Breholm
- Aelfsige Coldren
- Aelfsige the Bekker
- Aelfwald of Essex
- Aelfwear the Trapp
- Aelfweard Smith
- Aelfwin Dinmere
- Aelfwin Stewart
- Aelfwold Mercer
- Aelred the Machin
- Aelred the Plummer
- Aescwig Fowler
- Aethelbehrt Cleaver
- Aethelhard Eomering
- Aethelheah the Carter
- Aethelhelm Berger
- Aethelhelm Boatwright
- Aethelhelm Lingate
- Aethelmund the Seales
- Aethelred of Huntingdonshire
- Aethelstan Eluricing
- Aethelweah Asulfing
- Aethelwin Fowler
- Aethelwine the Fowler
- Aethelwulf Ahlfrithing
- Aethelwulf the Clark
- Aethilheard Hinman
- Agilbert Seal
- Ahlfrith Stringer
- Ailwin Eadbealding
- Albold Lorimer
- Albold Skipper
- Alcred the Piper
- Alden Heoruweald
- Aldfrid Shepherd
- Aldhelm Chafer
- Aldhelm Spittle
- Aldwulf Tranter
- Aldwyn the Voss
- Alfar Torhtsiging
- Alkmund the Berger
- Allric of Linster
- Alnoth the Tillman
- Aloc Penmere
- Alric the Milner
- Alward the Sadler
- Alwin of Shephythe
- Angeltheow Glover
- Angenmaer Chandler
- Angenwit Aberberry
- Anlaf Norholm
- Archibald Stanbrough
- Aschere the Spencer
- Ashwin Finea
- Badanoth Oidilwalding
- Baeldaeg Barber
- Baeldaeg Strathketh
- Baga Hannan
- Baldric the Cantrell
- Baldwine Shipwardine
- Bardolph Tasker
- Bardolph Turner
- Beadumund Tanner
- Beadwheard the Key
- Beagmund Cenwulfing
- Beagmund the Tiller
- Beanburh the Chandler
- Bedfrith Wlencing
- Bedric the Clark
- Behrtferth Steele
- Behrtwald Ballawich
- Beorhtwulf Plummer
- Beornfred the Sargent
- Beornmod Herelafing
- Beornnoth the Dyer
- Beornoth Palmer
- Beornoth the Fuller
- Beornric Strathbrough
- Beorthmaer the Hogg
- Beothuk Smoker
- Berhtwulf the Killer
- Bernwini the Carter
- Berthelm the Coleman
- Berthelm Thingfrithing
- Bertwald the Berger
- Billfrid Lush
- Blithhere Scully
- Blithweard Milner
- Blithweard the Tasker
- Botsige Archer
- Botwine Kenelming
- Botwine the Dexter
- Brifard Ballatoft
- Brihteah the Warrer
- Brihtnoth the Stewart
- Brithnoth the Chessman
- Brithun the Provost
- Brunheard the Machin
- Brunweard Potter
- Brunwulf Godmunding
- Brychan the Tabor
- Burghal Chambers
- Burgheard Hunter
- Burghelm the Foal
- Burgred Ward
- Burhtred Tillman
- Byrhtnoth Huberting
- Cantwine Coleman
- Ceadwalla Ceonreding
- Ceawlin Culwick
- Cenberet the Seales
- Cenfrith Brefield
- Centweald Bacchus
- Cenwalch Mulliner
- Cenwalch the Fearson
- Cenwalh the Skipper
- Ceolfrih Carpenter
- Ceolfrith Nantwyke
- Ceolheard Auchenglen
- Ceolheard Auchwardine
- Ceolhelm Maerecing
- Ceolhere Swaebharding
- Ceolmund the Mason
- Ceolweald the Tranter
- Clarembald Waller
- Coenbehrt Shephope
- Coenhelm the Baxter
- Coenhelm Waller
- Coenwulf Rodolphing
- Coleman Bertraming
- Coleman Finburgh
- Conan II of Brittany
- Condede Barber
- Cuichelm Carhythe
- Cuichelm Langea
- Cuthbeorht the Paget
- Cuthhere Gage
- Cuthwin Sigewulfing
- Cuthwine the Heard
- Cynebil the Palmer
- Cyneburg Nanthorpe
- Cynegels Tabor
- Cynegils Coleman
- Cynegisl Coldren
- Cyneheah Crowther
- Cyneheard the Warrer
- Cynehelm the Waller
- Cynelaf Skinner
- Cynesige Brebeck
- Cynestan Knight
- Cynidr Ceaforing
- Cynsige Breham
- Cynsige Graves
- Cynsige Sadler
- Cynsige the Fearson