Historica Wiki
Cash Money Brothers

The Cash Money Brothers (CMB) was an African-American street gang that operated in Harlem, New York City during the 1980s and 1990s. The gang was led by Nino Brown, and it was one of the first gangs to take advantage of the crack cocaine boom after 1986. The gang converted the Carter apartment complex into a crack house, killed rival dealer Fat Smitty, ousted the tenants, and forced the landlord out naked, and the gang successfully ran the streets of Harlem over the next three years. Undercover NYPD detective Scotty Appleton was later sent to infiltrate the CMB, and Appleton recruited Pookie Robinson as an informant. Gee Money ordered the Carter destroyed after realizing that Pookie was wired, and he had the informant murdered. Appleton and his partner Nick Peretti went undercover as drug dealers and successfully infiltrated the CMB, doing business with Brown. Don Armeteo's Mafia family went to war with the CMB over the drug trade, shooting up a wedding, but Brown succeeded in killing Armeteo in revenge. The gang collapsed as the result of a sting operation, with the Duh Duh Duh Man being killed by Peretti to rescue Appleton, and Gee Money being killed by Brown for accusing him of egotism. Brown holed up in an apartment and continued his empire solo, but the detectives raided his apartment and captured him, and Brown was shot dead by an old man after he was sentenced to just one year in prison after claiming that Kareem Akbar was the true leader of the gang. The CMB dissolved with Brown's demise.
