Historica Wiki
India regions

Carnatica is a region of southeastern India in the Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh states of the present-day country. Its major cities include the capital of Arcot and the port of Pondicherry.


Carnatica's capital was the city of Arcot, and it was located on the southern coast of present-day India. Carnatica was one of the original kingdoms of the Maratha Confederacy, and the region had a predominantly-Hindu population. In 1746, the region had a population of 2,365,203 people, with a 90% Hindu population and a 10% Muslim. In 1750 it grew to 2,463,354 people. Carnatica was the site of several wars between Great Britain and France during the mid-1700s, and it was one of the first regions annexed by the British. In 1947, the state chose to join India after gaining independence from British Raj
