Historica Wiki

Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Valerius Carausius (247-293) was Emperor of Britannia from 286 to 293, preceding Allectus.


Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Valerius Carausius was born in Gallia Belgica, Roman Empire in 247 to a Gallo-Roman family of Menapian descent. He served under Emperor Maximian during his campaign against the Bagaudae in Gaul in 286, and he was then given command of Roman Britain's fleet and sent to fight against Saxon and Frankish pirates in Armorica and Belgica. He was a corrupt admiral, letting the pirates carry out raids before intercepting and defeating them and taking their loot for himself. Maximian ordered that Carausius be sentenced to death, so Carausius declared himself Emperor of Britannia and Gaul. His renown from the campaign against the Bagaudae and his personal riches won the loyalty of his fleet, the three British legions, a Gallic legion, a number of foreign auxiliary units, a levy of Gaulish merchant ships, and barbarian mercenaries. In 288-289, Maximian's planned invasion of Britannia failed due to bad weather, but, in 293, Constantius Chlorus reconquered Gaul. Carausius was ultimately assassinated by his finance minister Allectus that same year.
