The Blemmyes (600 BC-8th Century AD) was a nomadic Nubian tribal kingdom from the Sudan. With their capital at Ptolemais Theron, they possessed agrarian wisdom and desert warriors, boosting their capabilities as a nation.
The Blemmyes were a peaceful Nubian desert people living near Meroe, south of the Ptolemaic Empire. In 267 BC the Egyptians invaded their kingdom and King Amanitenmemide was killed in battle with their armies, and the Egyptians occupied their capital of Ptolemais Theron. However, their military power rose after the fall of Egypt to the Roman Republic in 47 BC, and they resisted the Romans to the north. In 197 AD they aided Pescennius Niger during the Roman Civil War, but General Marcus Aurelius Probus crushed the Blemmyes in 280, after several wars. By the 8th century AD, the empire had ended, replaced by the Bejas.