The Black Repartition, also known as Chernyi Peredel, was a populist revolutionary movement that was established in the Russian Empire in August 1879. The movemnet split from the Land and Liberty organization, and the Black Repartition movement was led by Georgi Plekhanov, Vera Zasulich, Pavel Axelrod, Osip Aptekman, Leo Deutsch, and other socialist revolutionaries. Black Repartition, as opposed to Narodnaya Volya, advocated the use of propoganda to precipitate a revolution, refraining from terrorism. Many of the party's leaders fled to Switzerland, operated illegal printing presses, or were exiled to Siberia, and the group ceased to exist as an organization in 1881. Some BR clubs would exist until the mid-1880s, when the Emancipation of Labor party was founded by Black Repartition leaders.