Historica Wiki
Betty Winter

Betty Winter (died 20 September 1929) was a German singer, actress, and the wife of actor Tristan Rot. She was one of the star actresses of the Weimar era, but she died in apparent stage accident in 1929.


Betty Winter was born in Berlin, Germany, and she became a renowned film actress of the Weimar era, with American film studios seeking to lure her across the Atlantic. She went on to marry the actor Tristan Rot, with whom she was to co-star in the film adaptation of Demons of Passion in 1929; they frequently argued over Winter's desire to go to America. In September 1929, the brothers Sandor and Bela Gosztony plotted to bankrupt the Babelsberg Film Studio in revenge for its partner Edgar Kasabian's feeding of Sandor's cut-out tongue to Bela months earlier, and Sandor sabotaged a spotlight during a musical rehearsal by Winter. The spotlight fell on Winter when the crew turned on the light, killing her. Winter's death was initially deemed to be an accident, but it was later discovered that Sandor Gosztony had committed the murder while disguised as "the Phantom", who became a renowned serial killer.

