Historica Wiki
Bermudo III of Leon

Bermudo III of Leon (1017-4 September 1037) was King of Leon and Galicia (as "Bermudo II of Galicia") from 1028 to 1037, succeeding Alfonso V of Leon and preceding Fernando I of Leon.


Bermudo was born in 1017, the son of King Alfonso V of Leon and Elvira Menendez. He succeeded to the throne of Leon in 1028, and Count Garcia Sanchez of Castile attempted to marry his sister Sancha of Leon in 1029 before he was assassinated by Castilian nobles that promptly fled to Leon. Leon and the Kingdom of Navarre disputed the succession to the County of Castile, and Garcia Sanchez's son Sancho III of Pamplona seized Castile. In 1032, Sancho began a campaign against his rival Bermudo, conquering the city of Leon in 1034 and having himself crowned "King of Leon". However, Sancho's 1035 death allowed for Bermudo to return to ruling Leon, and Bermudo fought his brother-in-law Ferdinand of Castile. On 4 September 1036, Bermudo was slain at the Battle of Tamaron, allowing for Ferdinand to unite Castile and Leon as one kingdom.
