Historica Wiki

The Battle of Zhashkiv was a battle fought between the armies of Poland-Lithuania and the Crimean Khanate at Zhashkiv in present-day central Ukraine in 1643. A Crimean Tatar raiding force of 200 warriors, led by Färhät Yakupov, raided the Polish borderland before the Polish cavalry captain Wincenty Malon set out with a 200-strong army including hussars, German musketeers and pikemen, and Polish troops. The two sides met at a bridge over the Burty River, and the heavily-armored Poles hacked their way through the Crimeans in a battle on the crowded bridge. The Tatars were eventually forced back, and, after the Tatar horse archers were eliminated, their infantry was overrun by Polish cavalry and infantry, and not a single Tatar survived; the Poles lost 90 men in the battle.
