The Battle of Mastihari was fought on 3 October 1943 amid the larger Battle of Kos.
Hours after German airborne forces captured the Italian strongtpoints at Mount Dikeos, launched an amphibious invasion of Marmari, and pushed north past the Vokkolia Fort to Kos, a new wave of Heer soldiers from the 22nd Infantry Division pushed south from Marmari to secure the town of Mastihari, which the fallschirmjaegers had bypassed. The German advance along the coast was supported by armor, but the British Army provided armored support to the Royal Italian Army garrison. The Germans encountered stiff resistance as they pushed up the coast road, but they were able to overcome the Italians following a fierce armored battle. The Germans then advanced into the village of Mastihari itself, clearing it of Italians after fighting that saw both sides use the ruins of bombed-out houses for cover.