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The Battle of Ganghwa was a battle fought between the United States and Joseon Korea during the United States expedition to Korea in 1871. An American expedition sent to recover the crew of the SS General Sherman was fired upon by the Korean garrison of Ganghwa Island, leading to the US Navy assaulting and destroying the Ganghwa forts.


In May 1871, five warships from the United States' Asiatic Squadron set sail from Japan to Korea in order to establish trade relations, ensure the safety of shipwrecked sailors, and find out what happened to the crew of the SS General Sherman. The expedition consisted of the frigate USS Colorado, the sloops USS Alaska and USS Benicia, and the gunboats USS Monocacy and USS Palos, plus 1,400 American military personel, 542 US Navy sailors, 109 marines, and six 12-pounder howitzers. The mission was peaceful in its purpose, but the American ships were sent to reconnoiter the Han River estuary, which, unbeknownst to the Americans, was barred to foreign vessels due to its direct course towards the Korean capital of Hanseong (Seoul). The Korean forts along the Selee River fired on the American ships, resulting in an engagement between the American ships and the river forts. Rear Admiral John Rodgers demanded an apology from the Korean government, but the Korean regent Heungseon Daewongun instead ordered the garrison of Ganghwa Island to be reinforced, refusing to negotiate with the "barbarians".


After nine days, the Koreans refused to apologize for their aggression, so the American naval squadron began bombarding the Ganghwa Island fort on 10 June. American landing parties took Fort Du Conde with light resistance and Fort Monocacy after a few skirmishes, before resting for the night of 10-11 June and becoming the first Western military forces to encamp on Korean soil. On 11 June, the US Navy attacked the four remaining Korean forts, and 300 Korean soldiers equipped with matchlock rifles, swords, and clubs held Fort McKee in fierce close-quarters combat. After fifteen minutes, the Americans succeeded in overwhelming the garrison, and several American soldiers were awarded Medals of Honor for bravely climbing the walls, capturing Korean war banners, planting the American flag atop the fort, and killing the Korean general Eo Jae-yeon. In spite of the American victory, the Koreans refused to sign a trade agreement with the United States until 1882.

