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The Battle of Corrick's Ford was fought on 13 July 1861 during the American Civil War.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Rich Mountain, the Confederate general Robert S. Garnett fell back toward Virginia with 4,500 troops, marching towards Beverly. After receiving false reports that Union general George B. McClellan had occupied the town, Garnett abandoned the Staunton and Parkersburg Turnpike and crossed Cheat Mountain into the Cheat River Valley, pursued by Thomas A. Morris' Indiana brigade. On 13 July 1861, Morris overtook Garnett's rear guard at Corrick's Ford on the Cheat River, and Garnett personally directed the rearguard action. As Garnett prepared to retreat, a Union volley killed him instantly, and his men abandoned their dead commander, one cannon, and nearly 40 wagons. The battle ensured that West Virginia remained firmly in Union hands for the rest of the war.
