Barbara Coe (1933-31 August 2013) was an American fascist and anti-immigration activist from Huntington Beach, California.
Barbara Coe was born in Huntington Beach, California in 1933, and she worked as a police clerk before organizing the California Coalition for Immigration Reform in 1994 to help cut off undocumented immigrants from public schooling and healthcare; she had been fired from her job for taking pictures of random Hispanic people with a government-issued camera and claiming that they were "illegals". In 1998, her bill was killed off by Governor Gray Davis, who she called a communist. That same year, she paid for a billboard welcoming visitors to "The Illegal Immigration State" and warning them to not let illegal immigration happen to their states. Coe was known to routinely refer to Mexicans as "savages" and "invaders" out to destroy America, and she claimed to have exposed the Mexican "Plan of Aztlan", a conspiracy by Mexicans to "reconquer" the American West and Southwest from the USA. She also claimed that "globalists" like George W. Bush were using illegal aliens in an attempt to take over America. Coe died of cancer in 2013 at the age of 79.