Historica Wiki

Aslaug (802-), also known as Kraka or Randalin, was the Queen of Sweden with Ragnarr Lodbrok.


Aslaug was born in 802, and was 36 years younger than Ragnarr Lodbrok when she married him. She was known to be beautiful, and one day, Ragnarr Lodbrok's soldiers Torstein and Arne found her while she was bathing in Gotaland. They allowed the bread they were baking to burn while entranced by her beauty, and when Ragnarr demanded an explanation from them, they told him about her. He tested her, telling her to come neither dressed nor undressed, neither hungry nor full, and neither alone nor in company; she came dressed in a net, biting an onion, and coming with a dog as her companion. He proposed marriage to her as a reward, and she accepted. Aslug married Ragnarr and bore him several children. Ragnarr Lodbrok died in 860, executed by King Aella of Northumbria by being thrown into a pit of snakes. Aslaug outlived her husband, as he was 94 when he died, and she was much younger.

