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Historica Wiki

Ascanius (died 1138 BC), also known as Julius, was King of Alba Longa from 1176 to 1138 BC, succeeding Aeneas and preceding Silvius.


Ascanius was the son of the Trojan prince Aeneas and Creusa, the daughter of King Priam. He and his family escaped from Troy in 1183 BC at the end of the Trojan War, and he accompanied his father on his wanderings across the eastern Mediterranean, eventually settling in Latium. After the death of Aeneas in 1176 BC, Ascanius became King of Lavinium, and he founded the new city of Alba Longa, leaving his step-mother Lavinia in charge of Lavinium. Ascanius died in 1138 BC, and his son Silvius succeeded him as King of Alba Longa.
