Arturo Bullard (1844-1899) was an American hot air balloon aviator from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Arturo Bullard was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1844. His mother was a keen scholar of the Italianate, naming her sons "Arturo" and "Baldassario". Arturo became a European hot air balloon aviator, and, in 1899, Sadie Adler hired Bullard to give Arthur Morgan a balloon-flying tutotial; Adler was unable to accompany Morgan, as Bullard claimed that flying would ruin a woman's "vapors". Bullard supervised Morgan's flying and chatted about his own background until they flew over Sisika Penitentiary despite Bullard's protests; Morgan revealed that his friend was in the penitentiary, and he usedthe balloon to scope out the laborers below. When the balloon came under fire from the guards, Morgan flew the balloon back towards land, but, while floating above Annesburg, Morgan spotted Adler being pursued by the O'Driscoll Boys on horseback. Morgan had Bullard control the balloon as he shot the outlaws, and Bullard grew thrilled with the chase and bragged about how he would tell Baldassario about their adventure. However, Arturo was shot in the side, and he announced his injury before slumping and falling over the side of the balloon to his death.