Arnulf I of Flanders (890-28 March 964) was Count of Flanders from 918 to 965, succeeding Baldwin II and preceding Baldwin III.
Arnulf was born in 890, the son of Count Baldwin II of Flanders and Aelfthryth of Flanders, making him the maternal grandson of Alfred the Great and a paternal descendant of Charlemagne. He succeeded his father as Count of Flanders in 918, and he greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south by conquering Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostrevent. He exploited the fighting between the French kings Charles the Simple and Robert the Strong and later between Louis IV of France and his barons, and his expansion later brought him into conflict with Normandy. In 942, he had Duke William I Longsword of Normandy assassinated. He died in 964.