Antonio de Quintanilla (1787-1863) was a Spanish brigadier and the Royal Governor of Chiloe from 1820 to 1826, succeeding Ignacio Maria Justiz y Urrutia.
Born in Pamanes, Spain, Antonio de Quintanilla joined the Spanish Army and served as a colonel during the Chilean War of Independence, fighting at the Battle of Yerbas Buenas, the Battle of San Carlos, the Siege of Chillan, the Battle of El Roble, the Battle of Rancagua, and the Battle of Chacabuco. He was left deaf in his left year and paralyzed on th eleft side of his face after receiving a wound to the face at San Carlos, and he reached the rank of colonel in 1814 and brigadier in 1825. He served as the Royalist governor of Chiloe from 1820 to 1826, when Chile annexed Chiloe. He then returned to Spain, and he remained loyal to the King during the First Carlist War, for which he was promoted to Field Marshal. He later fought in the Second Carlist War, and he died in Madrid in 1854.