Historica Wiki
Antonio Flores Jijon

Antonio Flores Jijon (23 October 1833-30 August 1915) was President of Ecuador from 17 August 1888 to 30 June 1892, succeeding Pedro Jose Cevallos and preceding Luis Cordero Crespo.


Antonio Flores Jijon was born in Quito, Ecuador in 1833, the son of Juan Jose Flores. He was educated in France and Peru before joining the Ecuadorian Army and serving under his father and Gabriel Garcia Moreno at the Battle of Guayaquil in 1860. He went on to serve as Garcia Moreno's ambassador to Paris, London, and Washington DC, as well as Finance Minister in 1865. Flores was persecuted under Ignacio de Veintemilla for his links with conservative elements, and he worked as a lawyer in New York City from 1878 to 1883. A former Conservative, he went on to join the moderate Progressive Party and served as President from 1888 to 1892, amnestying imprisoned guerrillas and overseeing a tolerant and moderate administration. In 1890, he resolved a territorial dispute with Peru, but Congress withdrew its approval of the treaty in 1894. Flores died in 1915.
