Ann Darrow (1903 - 2005) was an American actress in New York in the early 20th Century.
Ann Darrow, was born in New York City in some time around the year 1903. She was an actress, but lost that job when her studio went bankrupt in the Great Depression. Darrow was apparently destitute, as she was shoplifting fruit and caught, but bailed out by Denham, who came to her rescue by paying for the fruit and telling her of his grand plans in the film. She also declined Denham's invitation at first, but she then accepted the offer when she was told that Jack Driscoll was going along too. Jack also developed a crush on Darrow and even kissed each other before arriving at Skull Island.
Darrow originally thought that the sound editor of Carl's film crew, Mike, was Jack. After seeing Mike die in front of her, Darrow screamed with horror that echoed through the Island, and then Kong's roar answered back. She was able to escape at first from the hostile natives at Skull Island, but was kidnapped from the boat and dragged to a sacrificial chamber in her bare feet and a négligée, where she was supposedly offered as a sacrifice to Kong (a legendary giant ape) by the natives. Kong took her as Darrow screamed at the top of her lungs. She fainted as Kong vanished into the jungle. Kong roared as Darrow moans as she freaked out. Kong almost dropped her as Darrow shrieked and yelled.
She stabbed Kong with her skull necklace as she fell onto the pile of skulls. She attempted to escape, but Kong grabbed her, causing her to shriek. Jack and Carl tried to find her along with many other crew members. Darrow was heard screaming. She woke up the next day, she saw Kong distracted by eating Bamboo sticks. Darrow tried to escape, but Kong stopped her. She was then treated like a Rag Doll because King Kong at first was either angry or curious about Darrow, enjoyed her dancing and acting, and kept pushing her, making him happy and hooting. When Darrow shown anger at him, he also got angry and Kong left her. At the time she escaped, she was unfortunate again because Tyranosaurus Rexes supposedly wanted to eat her, and Kong saved her life.
That night Jack came to Kong's lair, and disturbed him from his slumber, then a swarm of flying creatures like bats (like Driscoll wrote in his memories) attacked them. Kong ended up battling the giant bats, the attack resulted in Darrow losing her dressing gown for unknown reasons, Kong put Darrow in safety while he battled the giant bats, As Kong fought them, Darrow and Jack escaped by supposedly grabbing the wing of one of the bats and then jumping into a river. They arrived in the village wall, with the angry Kong following them.
When Carl and the other crew men were done with their own problems on the island, with most of them dead, they captured and kidnapped King Kong. Captain Englehorn was about to kill King Kong with a sharp harpoon, but she begged and cried out to let Kong live. But they successfully captured Kong, Darrow simply stared at Kong before she broke down in tears due to have been unable to help Kong from getting captured, Carl took Kong to New York, and he escaped in an angry mood destroying the amphitheater he was taken to. Darrow realized she was the only person who can stop King Kong from trying to destroy Manhattan. Kong was already looking for Darrow because he kept picking up women who resembled Darrow. Darrow and Kong finally were happy together, but their happiness and joy vanishes when the military used cannons to kill Kong. Kong, ran away to the highest building in the city, the Empire State Building.
Kong was killed there. After Kong's death, she embraced Jack Driscoll, who was trying to get to her the entire time. After the Kong Incident, she married Jack and had three children. Darrow left acting and died in 2005 at the age of 102.