Historica Wiki
Anjem Choudary

Anjem Choudary (18 January 1967-) was a British Islamist activist and co-founder of the al-Muhajiroun terror group.


Anjem Choudary was born in London, England on 18 January 1967 to Pakistani immigrant parents. Nicknamed "Andy" during his youth, he failed his medical school exams and indulged in drinking and drugs before studying law and qualifying as a lawyer in London. He became chairman of the Society of Muslim Lawyers, and he became radicalized during the late 1990s. He became a key figure in recruiting Muslim youths for secret training centers in Britain, from which they would be sent to Chechnya, Kosovo, Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Kashmir to fight for jihad. He and Omar Bakri Muhammad went on to co-found al-Muhajiroun, and he used the East Sussex Jameah Islamiyah School as a training and recruitment camp for terrorists, including Abu Hamza al-Masri. Choudary praised the al-Qaeda perpetrators of 9/11 and 7/7, stated that the Pope should be executed for insulting Islam, and advocated for the implementation of sharia law in Britain, Poland, and India. On 6 September 2016, Choudary was sentenced to five years and six months in prison for inviting others to join ISIL, but he was released on parole in October 2018.
