Historica Wiki

Andrew Milton (1852-1899) was an American Pinkerton detective and agent.


Andrew Milton was born in 1852 in New York City. Milton was a high-ranked detective in the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. After Dutch robed his train, Leviticus Cornwall hired Milton and his protégé, Agent Ross, to track down the Van der Linde gang and bring Dutch van der Linde to justice.

Milton and Ross approached Arthur Morgan whilst he teached Jack Marston fishing, at a river near Horseshoe Overlook. Milton offered Arthur a chance to surrender and turn Dutch in, in exchange for amnesty. When Arthur refused, Milton revealed that they captured Mac Callander after the Blackwater ferry robbery and killed him slowly, enraging Arthur. He then proceeded to leave with Ross.

Milton and Ross approached Dutch and his gang at their camp in Clemens Point. Milton offered Dutch a chance to surrender in exchange for the other gang members being allowed to escape. Dutch mockingly feigned compliance and the gang all begin to drew their weapons; flustered, Milton warned Dutch that he will be back with fifty men and that the gang should leave quickly.

During the bank robbery in New Orleans, Milton captured Hosea Matthews while he orchestrated a distraction and hold him hostage outside the Louisiana National Bank, which the Pinkertons have surrounded. Milton stated that any reservations for making deals have been exhausted, and subsequently shot Hosea in the chest, killing him almost instantly. A skirmish ensues, but the Van der Linde gang eventually managed to escape.

Milton and his agents picked up Micah Bell after he, Dutch, Arthur, Bill, and Javier returned from Guarma, and Micah became an informant for the agency. Subsequently, a large group of Pinkertons led by Milton attacked the gang's hideout in Lakay, who ordered a house that the gang has sought refuge in to be riddled by a Maxim Gun. Despite Milton's best efforts, the gang managed to repel the attack.


Along with Ross, Milton met with Leviticus Cornwall in Annesburg. Cornwall scolded him for his lack of progress and threatened to withdraw his funding. Milton insisted that the Pinkertons are "very close" but Cornwall was dismissive; Milton then left with Ross, shortly before Dutch confronted and killed Cornwall.

While the Van der Linde gang were robbing a train, Milton captured Abigail and held her hostage at the Van Horn Trading Post, prompting Arthur and Sadie Adler to rescue her. However, Sadie gets captured by Milton, and Arthur is forced to confront the Pinkerton agent himself. Milton sneaked up behind Arthur and held him at gunpoint; he then revealed that Micah had betrayed the gang, feeding the Pinkertons with information ever since he and the gang came back from Guarma. In response, Arthur grabed Milton's gun, but is quickly overpowered due to his tuberculosis. Before Milton could have pull the trigger, Abigail managed to break free of her confinements and shot Milton in the temple using Sadie's revolver, killing him instantly and saving Arthur.
