The Anbar Tribes Revolutionary Council, also known as the Revolutionary Tribal Council, is a Sunni militant group in Iraq that was founded in 2013 by Sheikh Ali Hatem al-Suleiman. Their goal is to fight until the Iraqi government (Shi'ites and Kurds) recognized the rights of the Sunnis of Iraq and gave them equal representation.
In 2013, Sheikh Ali Hatem al-Suleiman of the Anbar region of Iraq founded the Anbar Tribes Revolutionary Council, a military organization whose goal is to defend Anbar from government aggression. The government of Iraq was composed of Shias and Kurds at the time, and Sunnis were expelled due to their alleged support for the Ba'ath Party loyalists and Al-Qaeda-backed terrorists. The Revolutionary Tribal Council was one of the 93% of anti-government forces fighting against Iraq that was Sunni militia; only around 7% of the fighters against the government were from the Islamic State. The Anbar Tribes Revolutionary Council did not support the Islamic State, and said that if the Iraqi Army withdrew from northern Iraq, the Anbar Tribes Revolutionary Council could fight off the Islamic State.