Alvan Flanders (2 August 1825-14 March 1894) was a delegate to the US House of Representatives (R-WA AL) from 4 March 1867 to 3 March 1869 (succeeding Arthur Armstrong Denny and preceding Selucius Garfielde) and the Republican Governor of the Washington Territory from 5 April 1869 to 4 March 1870 (succeeding Marshall F. Moore and preceding Edward S. Salomon).
Alvan Flanders was born in Hopkinton, New Hampshire in 1825, and he worked in the lumber business in Humboldt County, California before cofounding the San Francisco Daily Times and serving in the State Assembly in 1861. He moved to Wallula, Washington in 1863 and served as its postmaster from 1865 to 1867, and he served as a delegate to the US House of Representatives from 1867 to 1869 and as territorial governor from 1869 to 1870 before dying in San Francisco in 1894.