Historica Wiki
Lord Castleroy

Aloysius Castleroy (1507-) was a French Huguenot nobleman and the wife of Lady Greer Norwood. He made his wealth from the spice trade and was known for his fondness for peppers, causing him to be the laughing stock of many other nobles. He wed Mary, Queen of Scots' lady-in-waiting Greer in 1558 after he agreed to make Greer's former lover Leith Bayard an apprentice to a spice merchant in Spain, and the two remained married until Castleroy was imprisoned for siding with the Protestant rebels during the French Wars of Religion.


Aloysius Castleroy

Castleroy in 1557

Aloysius Castleroy was the son of a member of the Habsburg dynasty who was fourteen times removed from the crown, and he made a fortune in the spice trade. In 1557, he meet Lady Greer Norwood, a lady-in-waiting of Mary, Queen of Scots at an autumn festival, and the two courted each other before marrying; Greer became stepmother to Aloysius' 5 children (including Yvette, who fell in love with Greer's former lover Leith Bayard), while Aloysius became stepfather to Greer's illegitimate daughter Rose. In 1561, Castleroy and his wife moved to Scotland after Mary granted them confiscated lands there, but Aloysius and his family became Protestants and allegedly supported a rebellion against the French during the French Wars of Religion. For this reason, Aloysius was imprisoned and Greer banished, and Mary managed to have Aloysius busted out of prison after discovering that Greer was pregnant.
