Historica Wiki
Alice Paul

Alice Paul (11 January 1885 – 9 July 1977) was an American suffragist, feminist, and women's rights activist. 


Alice Paul was born in Moorestown, New Jersey in 1885, and she became a founder of the 1916 US National Woman's Party and campaigned for women to be granted the vote at all levels of government. A militant suffragist, she energized the movement through her hunger strikes and her fiery rhetoric. After political equality in 1920 had been achieved through the Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, she developed a feminist programme which included a campaign for equality of rights between men and women to be enshrined in the US Constitution, a world political party to argue for the rights of women across the globe, and European agitation for equal rights. The latter was not well received in Britain and France and found little resonance in other European states plagued by domestic economic and political instability in the 1930s. She lived to experience the explosion of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s before she died at Moorestown in 1977.
