Alice Cooper (born 4 February 1948), born Vincent Damon Furnier, was an American rock star who was known for his popularity during the early 1970s, owing to his "shock rock" style and his raspy voice. Furnier was born in Detroit, Michigan, and he later moved to Phoenix, Arizona and began his music career in the late 1960s. In 1969, using the name "Alice Cooper" (a name given to him by a ouija board), he started an eponymous band, releasing the hit song "I'm Eighteen" in 1971. His success during the 1970s led to him being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2011. In 2004, he supported Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush, saying that rock stars such as Don Henley were committing "treason against rock and roll" for supporting Democrat John Kerry.