Alfwold Steddon (1166-1200) was an English peasant from Portsmouth who, in 1200, led a failed uprising against Saer de Quincy, 1st Earl of Winchester.
Alfwold Steddon was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England in 1166 to a family of English Catholic peasants. He lived on the estate of Saher de Quincy, the Lord of Winchester, and he came to resent Quincy's heavy-handed rulership. In 1200, Steddon and several other serfs demanded new rights from their lord. When Quincy refused, Steddon and his faction openly revolted against their lord, taking up arms and raising troops near Portsmouth. Quincy sent Richard Becq to put down the uprising, and Becq slew Steddon and most of his men in battle, only to be knocked out and captured shortly after. He later escaped and slew Steddon's successor Hunfrith Penward, ending the uprising.