Alexander Mirkov (died 2010) was a Russian mobster and former KGB officer who served as an advisor to the Roaches crime syndicate during the Panauan Civil War.

Mirkov's death
Alexander Mirkov was born in Soviet Russia to a family of Ukrainian blacksmiths, and he joined the KGB before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. On the collapse of the USSR, he retained his ex-KGB contacts and became a powerful Moscow mafia boss, selling suitcase nukes, second-hand warships, and other military hardware. He was later appointed Second Trade Secretary to the Russian Embassy in Panau, arriving six months before Papa Panay's assassination. He worked with the crime boss Razak Razman and his Roaches syndicate during the Panauan Civil War, hoping to seize control of Panau's oil for Russia. However, the CIA sent agents Tom Sheldon and Rico Rodriguez to assassinate Mirkov at the Three Kings Hotel. Although Mirkov had a helicopter bring a tank to his skyscraper's roof, he was killed when Sheldon crashed his helicopter into the tank.