Historica Wiki
Alberto Dell'Utri

Alberto Dell'Utri (born 11 September 1941) was the manager of Venchi Unica 2000 and the twin brother of Marcello Dell'Utri.


Alberto Dell'Utri was born in Palermo, Sicily on 11 September 1941, the twin brother of Marcello Dell'Utri. Unlike his brother, who pursued a law career, Alberto pursued an engineering degree, and he became manager of the sweets company Venchi Unica 2000 in 1976. In 1979, the Turin prosecutor ordered the arrest of Dell'Utri and his boss, Filippo Alberto Rapisarda, but Rapisarda fled abroad in Dell'Utri's name; in 1990, Dell'Utri was acquitted of the bankruptcy case. He would become a frequent visitor to casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, where he amassed large debts. On 8 November 2013, police tapped into a phone call between Alberto Dell'Utri and Vincenzo Mancuso, revealing their plan to have Marcello escape to Lebanon to evade arrest on corruption charges; the conversation led to Marcello's arrest.
