Agnes Mansson (1994-) was Prime Minister of Sweden from 2018 to 2019, preceding Jimmie Gunnarsson. She supported the expansion of government programs such as free primary education, state-run transportation services, public libraries, retirement homes, and public housing.
Agnes Mansson was born in Norrkoping, Sweden in 1994, and she worked as an economist before entering politics with the Liberals. In 2018, her party won 18.08% of the vote and 4 seats in the Riksdag, making the Liberals the largest party (ahead of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and the Moderate Party). She was then elected Prime Minister with the support of the Liberals, Sweden Democrats, Moderates, and Center Party of Sweden, defeating SAP leader Vera Isaksson. Under Mansson, the Riksdag voted 16-1 in favor of retirement homes, 12-1 in favor of public housing, 8-2 in favor of a 4% election threshold, 14-0 in favor of public libraries, 17-0 in favor of agriculture research, and 16-3 in favor of a school bus tax. In the next election, the Liberals were reduced to 3 seats, with the Moderates placing second. In a vote of 13-5, Mansson was re-elected, defeating Moderate leader Jimmie Gunnarsson. The Riksdag then voted 17-1 in favor of free public education, 10-5 in favor of a bus transport service, and 8-4 in favor of presidential term limits. In the late 2019 general election, the Sweden Democrats became the largest party with 15.10% and 3 votes, with the Moderates coming in second with 15.03% of the vote and 3 seats; the Liberals and SAP also won 3 seats each. The ensuing election saw Gunnarsson win election as Prime Minister 11-3.