Abydos, also known as Abdju, is one of the oldest cities of Ancient Egypt. Abydos was the capital of Upper Egypt starting in around 3200 BC, challenging rival cities such as Hierakonpolis. Pharaoh Narmer, founder of the First Dynasty, was buried at Abydos, and Abydos was also the burial place of several pharaohs of the Second Dynasty. Abydos served as a capital for certain dynasties, such as the indigenous Abydos Dynasty of 1650-1600 BC, but Abydos mostly functioned as a cult center for Osiris and was also home to the oldest brewery in the world, founded in 3100 BC. Today, Abydos is notable for the memorial temple of Pharaoh Seti I, and for ancient Phoenician and Aramaic graffiti found on the walls of the temple.