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The 2024 Polish farmer protests occurred in early 2024 when Rural Solidarity, the largest farmers' union in Poland, called a strike to protest against the European Green Deal and continued grain imports from Ukraine.

On 31 January 2024, the European Commission renewed the suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian grain exports to the European Union until 2025 while reinforcing protection for sensitive EU agricultural products. This, as well as the restrictions that the European Green Deal would impose upon Polish farmers, led to Polish farmers, truckers, beekeepers, and foresters blocking 260 major roads across the country with their tractors. Nearly all the farmers' unions in the country backed the protests, as the "solidarity corridors" established by the EU to facilitate food exports from Ukraine amid the Russo-Ukrainian War led to much of the Ukrainian produce being stuck in the Polish market rather than transiting further. This caused a decline in the demand and prices for local Polish production, as Ukrainian grain, flour, poultry, eggs, sugar, milk, frozen soft fruit, and even apple juice saturated the Polish market. The Poles accused the Ukrainian goods of being low-quality, as batches of moldy frozen raspberries were supposed to enter the country. On 20 February, Polish farmers pried open two Ukrainian freight cars at the Medyka border crossing and spilled grain on the tracks. The Polish farmers also protested greenhouse emissions regulations and enhanced animal welfare laws brought about by the European Green Deal, and their protests received the sympathy of Slovak and Czech farmers, whose organizations urged joint action.

On 21 February, Poland's foreign ministry denounced pro-Putin and anti-Ukrainian slogans at farmers' protests, saying that they were possibly influenced by Russia. This came as Estonian president Kaja Kallas revealed that her government had thwarted a Russian hybrid operation meant to foment civil unrest in the country. Some farmers' banners read "Putin, get Ukraine, Brussels and our government in order." The Polish foreign ministry expressed its belief that the banners were an attempt to take over the agricultural protest movement by "extreme and irresponsible groups, possibly under the influence of Russian agents."
