The 2012 Tojo-Omi war was a violent gang war that was fought between rival factions within both the Tojo-kai and Omi Alliance yakuza organizations in December 2012. Unlike previous clashes between the Tojo of Kanto and the Omi of Kansai, this gang war had a national scope, with violence occurring in Fukuoka, Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Sapporo. The war resulted from sitting Omi chairman Tsubasa Kurosawa's efforts to wipe out the leadership of both clans to clear the way for his son Masato Aizawa to take over a united Omi-Tojo organization and rule Japan's criminal underworld by himself. The plot unraveled due to the Tojo Clan's formation of alliances with smaller families across the country and cooperation between Tojo loyalists and Omi factions affected by Kurosawa's attempted purge, although Aizawa was able to massacre the Tojo patriarchs before being defeated by former Tojo chairman Kazuma Kiryu.
By the turn of the 21st century, the Japanese criminal underworld was dominated by two rival yakuza federations: the Omi Alliance of Kansai (with Osaka as its stronghold) and the Tojo-kai of Kanto (based from Tokyo). While the Tojo Clan was founded after World War II, the Omi were active since the 1910s and established themselves as the larger family. By 2010, the Tojo had a strength of around 30,000 members in over 100 subsidiary families, while the Omi had as many as 35,000 men and 120 families by 2006.
While both clans were prone to factional infighting, peace reigned from 1988 to 2005, partly due to Omi Alliance Chief of Headquarters Yukio Terada's alliance with Shintaro Kazama, patriarch of the Tojo's Kazama-gumi. Following the Empty Lot dispute of 1988, however, the young yakuza Kazuma Kiryu established a reputation for himself as the "Dragon of Dojima", a legendary fighter on whose strength the Tojo Clan relied. When Kiryu was imprisoned from 1995 to 2005 after taking the fall for his oath brother Akira Nishikiyama's murder of patriarch Sohei Dojima, the clan began an irreversible decline. Nishikiyama, Futoshi Shimano, and Kazama all jockeyed for power within the clan, and, when Chairman Masaru Sera was assassinated following the disappearance of the clan's 10 billion yen in 2005, the Tojo Clan fell into a state of civil war, manipulated by the corrupt bureaucrat Kyohei Jingu and the Omi Alliance, the latter of which sought to steal the Tojo Clan's missing 10 billion yen for themselves. Through Kiryu's intervention and Kazama's sacrifice, Nishikiyama, Shimano, and Jingu were all brought down, and Kiryu became Chairman of the Tojo Clan, as per Sera's will. Tired of the yakuza life, Kiryu abdicated in favor of Terada, who left the Omi for the Tojo, creating bad blood within both families.
Even though Kiryu left the Tojo Clan, he continued to be the clan's only hope for survival. When, in 2006, the Omi Alliance princeling Ryuji Goda seized control of the clan from his father Jin Goda and led an invasion of Tokyo, his assault on Kanto was stopped single-handedly by Kiryu, fresh out of retirement. After Terada revealed himself to be an agent of the Jingweon Mafia and was killed by the Omi's scheming Ryo Takashima (who was then killed by Goda, whom he had also mortally wounded), Kiryu handed over the chairmanship to the late Sohei's son Daigo Dojima, having brought him back into the Tojo Clan and cultivated his rise to the occasion.

The Tojo continued to suffer from severe money problems due to the loss of the 10 billion yen in 2005, leading to the clan lending its support to LDP Defense Minister Ryuzo Tamiya's plan to expand the US Marine Corps base on Okinawa in 2007-2009 on the condition that a resort be built and given to the yakuza. When Daigo backtracked after learning that the construction of the resort and base would destroy Kiryu's Morning Glory Orphanage, his ambitious protege Yoshitaka Mine seized control of the Tojo and attempted to see the projects through. Once again, Kiryu was forced to come out of retirement to save the Tojo, defeating Mine and his Black Monday allies and returning power to Daigo. In 2010, Kiryu and his friends Shun Akiyama, Taiga Saejima, and Masayoshi Tanimura thwarted the Uenoseiwa-kai's plot to destroy the Tojo, while also exposing Deputy Commissioner Seishiro Munakata's corruption, ending both his life and his crusade to bring Tokyo's underworld under his direct control through undercover policeman Hiroaki Arai. The Omi stayed out of these conflicts due to Kiryu's involvement, but the Tojo only continued to grow weaker as its lieutenants tore the greater clan apart from within.
As Daigo defended his chairmanship against internal challengers, Kuroha-gumi patriarch Tsubasa Kurosawa rose to power within the Omi, taking over as Seventh Chairman. Kurosawa and Dojima initially worked together to maintain the peace in the Japanese underworld, enabling the Tojo to gradually recover from their civil wars and bring the Kabukicho Hills project to fruition after years of delays caused by warfare.
Kurosawa's plot[]

The situation changed in June 2012, when Kurosawa was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Realizing that all of his ambition and achievements meant nothing unless he had someone to invest his legacy in, Kurosawa re-established a relationship with his illegitimate son Masato Aizawa. Aizawa, who longed to become a legend of the yakuza, harbored a similar amount of ambition as his father, hoping to one day equal or eclipse Kiryu. Kurosawa devised a scheme that would wreak havoc in the underworld and enable him to hand over an even greater empire to his son: he would wipe out the officers of both the Omi and Tojo clans, force the Tojo to surrender and fold into the Omi, and give command of this unified yakuza syndicate to Aizawa before he died. In order to wipe out the Tojo leadership, he had Aizawa and his oath brother Yu Morinaga infiltrate the Tojo Clan and become bodyguards to Daigo, while he cultivated an alliance with Dojima's treacherous secretary Minoru Aoyama, who opposed Dojima's policy of establishing equal alliances with smaller yakuza clans across the country.

On hearing that Kurosawa was dying, Dojima grew concerned, as none of his likely successors were well-disposed towards the Tojo. Masaru Watase of the northern Osaka-based Watase-gumi had the most muscle; Hiroshi Takachi of the Takachi-gumi had his power base in Hyogo and was trusted greatly by the chairman; and Naoki Katsuya headed Ousaka Enterprises, which built an empire out of industrial waste disposal in southern Osaka. In response to this threat, Dojima prepared the Tojo for war by sending out emissaries to forge alliances: Goro Majima went to the Kitakata-gumi in Sapporo, Azumi went to the Nagoya-gumi in Nagoya, and he decided to go to the Yamagasa-gumi in Fukuoka. Many rank-and-file Tojo men, including Aoyama, believed that the Tojo should instead crush the smaller clans rather than become equals with them, seeing that as being beneath the Tojo. At Kurosawa's direction, Aoyama, Aizawa, and Morinaga plotted Dojima's assassination as he met with Yamagasa patriarch Tadashi Madarame.

Kurosawa meeting with Kiryu as "Serizawa"
As plans were made to wipe out the Tojo officers, Kurosawa also made plans to acquire control of the Tojo without needing to kill any of its rank-and-file members. Using the alter ego of Osaka Prefectural Police detective "Kazuhiko Serizawa", Kurosawa would lure Kazuma Kiryu and Taiga Saejima to Kabukicho, Tokyo - the heart of Tojo territory - and kill them publicly, thus demoralizing the Tojo into surrendering and handing over their 30,000 men to an enlarged Omi. As Saejima was imprisoned at Abashiri Penitentiary, Kurosawa had the hitman Shigeki Baba transferred to that prison to befriend Saejima while also having him bribe the murderer Hiroshi Kugihara to pick fights with Saejima, thus preventing Saejima from receiving parole until the right moment. Once Majima was murdered, Saejima would have a reason to escape, and Kugihara would start a prison riot that would allow Baba and Saejima to flee Abashiri. Baba would then bring Saejima to Sapporo, where Kurosawa would then meet with Saejima as "Serizawa" and persuade him of the need to come to Tokyo.

In December 2012, Dojima traveled to Fukuoka with his entourage. Already suspicious of Kurosawa due to his perceived ambition in the face of his impending mortality, Dojima concluded that he was to be assassinated in Fukuoka after learning that a large hotel had been chosen as the site of his meeting with Madarame. The hotel in question had large windows and many entrances and exits, making it impossible to fully secure, as well as an easy target for snipers. On learning this, Dojima had Madarame meet with him in his limousine instead, and, there, he and Madarame concocted a plot. Dojima would vanish that night, while the Yamagasa Family would be suspected of kidnapping him, creating enough of a fracas with the Tojo for Dojima to escape from Fukuoka and investigate the conspiracy from the shadows. Dojima also warned Madarame that the traitor within the Tojo would be the man to take over in his absence. At the same time, Daigo reached out to Goro Majima in Sapporo and had him fake his death at the hands of the Kitakata Family, thus allowing Majima to secretly stay on Kurosawa's tail. Daigo's plan worked, as he specifically chose Kazuma Kiryu (going by the name "Taichi Suzuki") as his cab driver and told him about the Tojo's awkward situation with the Omi before vanishing.

The bombing of the Yamagasa-gumi headquarters
Aoyama, sensing an opportunity to fulfill his own ambitions, went against Kurosawa's plan by taking over as acting Chairman of the Tojo-kai. Recognizing the cab that picked up Daigo as one from Nakasu Taxi, he sent Aizawa and Morinaga to investigate, and they found that Kiryu had driven Daigo. The two men persuaded Kiryu to help find Daigo, believing that he had been kidnapped by the Yamagasa Family. At the same time, Aoyama arranged for his oath brother Watase to come to Fukuoka, as Watase sought to pressure Kiryu to rejoin the Tojo so that it would one day be a clan worth fighting and not the declining mess it was at the moment. Kurosawa also inserted himself into the picture, pretending to be "Serizawa" and hinting to Kiryu that Watase may have been the kidnapper, hoping that Kiryu would kill Watase and thus remove one of the main contenders for the Omi chairmanship. However, when Kiryu confronted Watase at Club Olivier, Watase convinced Kiryu that he had nothing to do with Daigo's disappearance. This left Aoyama as the chief suspect, and Kiryu, Aizawa, and Morinaga intercepted Aoyama as he met with Madarame. Aoyama critically wounded Madarame with a knife after the latter detected his plan to destroy the Yamagasa headquarters with a suitcase bomb, and Aoyama escaped the building after framing Madarame's stabbing on Kiryu, Aizawa, and Morinaga. The three managed to escape before Aoyama blew up the building, hoping to spark an all-out war that would allow the Tojo to conquer Fukuoka by force.

Kiryu dodging a rocket
However, Madarame established contact with Kiryu through his daughter Mayumi Madarame, whom Daigo had entrusted with keeping tabs on Kiryu during his retirement. Madarame, seeking to prevent his family from being caught up in a turf war between the Tojo and Omi, asked Kiryu to deliver a letter dissolving the clan to the police, but Kiryu instead went to his captain Kenji Yahata and persuaded him of the Yamagasa Family's need to continue protecting Fukuoka. The two set a trap for Aoyama, arranging a showdown between the Yamagasa and Tojo at the Hakata Pier. There, the two clans showed up in full force, with Watase serving as the Omi's witness. Kiryu persuaded the Tojo to make a deal with him: if Kiryu single-handedly defeated the entire Tojo force, then the Tojo would leave Fukuoka without declaring war on the Yamagasa. While Aoyama, deviating from Kurosawa's plan, intended to kill Kiryu with a handgun and thus remove his threat, Watase - who saw Aoyama's action as dishonorable - agreed to the terms. Kiryu proceeded to take down Aoyama's army and savagely beat Aoyama himself, demanding to know why Aoyama had betrayed Daigo. Before Aoyama could reveal Kurosawa's role, Morinaga arrived and shot Aoyama dead, revealing himself as a traitor within the Tojo, claiming to have killed Aizawa, and baiting Kiryu to head to Kabukicho to search for answers. To further motivate Kiryu, Kurosawa met with Kiryu as "Serizawa" and had him turn on the radio, where Kiryu learned of Majima's "death."

On learning of a plot against his life, Daigo arranged for Majima to fake his death during a meeting with the Kitakata Family, with Taizo Kitakata cooperating after Majima warned him not to immediately accept an alliance with the Tojo. Majima's death made national news, but Majima used this opportunity to utilize past connections to help expose the traitor.

Taiga Saejima in prison
Meanwhile, at Abashiri Prison, Saejima stayed out of trouble with the intention of being released early and rejoining the Tojo, as Daigo had promised him promotion to Captain. Saejima remained tranquil even in the face of biweekly beatings by Kugihara and his henchmen, forcing Baba to resort to desperate measures. Baba stabbed one of Kugihara's men in the leg and pretended to be an innocent man framed for assault; his parole was denied as a result of the stabbing, causing Saejima to attack Kugihara for messing with his friend. However, Deputy Warden Seiji Kosaka was sympathetic towards Saejima, and he had no intention of letting that incident affect Saejima's parole. Kurosawa's plan was further stymied when Majima sent a letter of expulsion to Saejima on behalf of the Tojo, thus persuading Kosaka that Saejima could not fall into recidivism, and enabling him to be paroled. Kurosawa struck back by having the Ministry of Justice directly deny Saejima parole, while he had the warden of Abashiri Prison murdered at Sapporo Airport before he could fly to Tokyo to investigate the circumstances of the denied parole. After news of Majima's murder reached the prison, and after 100 new inmates were transferred to Abashiri, Kosaka grew suspicious of a yakuza conspiracy and decided to help Saejima and Baba escape to save their lives, as well as to have them investigate the warden's murder. Kugihara broke with the plan by attempting to kill Saejima during his escape rather than letting him escape, but Kugihara was shot by Saejima and Baba's cellmate Yoshiyuki Himura, clearing the way for the two men to escape on a snowmobile. After briefly being bogged down at a remote hunting village during a snowstorm, they were eventually able to make it to Susukino, the stronghold of the Kitakata Family in Sapporo.

Taizo Kitakata after being shot
Based at the Polaris Bar, Baba and Saejima made plans to find and interrogate Kitakata. Saejima learned that Kitakata was to appear with Mayor Kōtarō Michida at the Sapporo Snow Festival, so the two men kidnapped Kitakata by making use of a manhole to infiltrate the event and sneak into the sewers with the crime boss. Kitakata was highly cooperative, and, in a meeting with Saejima at an abandoned office building, he revealed that he was not responsible for Majima's death, but rather a traitor in a Tojo. Baba, who had left (supposedly to secure the perimeter), used a sniper rifle to shoot Kitakata before fleeing. Saejima caught Baba and learned of his treachery, but Baba was unable to bring himself to shoot Saejima, and Saejima talked Baba out of suicide. Kurosawa then stepped in as Serizawa and arrested Saejima, only to tell him that Yu Morinaga was the Tojo traitor who had killed Majima, and he compelled Saejima to investigate Morinaga back in Tokyo, lest he be sent back to prison. Baba also made his way to Tokyo, secretly re-entering the service of Kurosawa for the next phase of the plan.

Hoping to discover who planned to assassinate him, Majima concocted a clever plan with the help of his old friend, Ousaka Enterprises patriarch Naoki Katsuya, and his ex-wife, Mirei Park. Majima sent Park a letter asking her to meet him in Tokyo, and the postage on the letter proved that Majima had sent it after his "death." Katsuya, in coordination with his friends, leaked the letter's existence to his organization, hoping that the man after Majima would initiate the search. His own captain Kamon Kanai, who had opportunistically joined Kurosawa's plot, proceeded to initiate a search for the letter. Kanai had his debtor Kan Ogita, who worked for Park, interrogate her to find the letter. However, Ogita accidentally killed Park, forcing Kanai to have the Dotonbori Forger forge a suicide note. Ogita also failed to convince Dyna Chair manager Hiroshi Horie to cooperate, so he threw him from the Dyna Chair office's roof as well.

Shun Akiyama meeting with Naoki Katsuya
By this time, however, Park's protege Haruka Sawamura and Park's creditor Shun Akiyama had grown suspicious of Park's death, as her suicide note was written in handwriting that matched Park's right hand, which had recently been injured. They intercepted Ogita as he fled from Horie's crime scene, but Kanai helped Ogita escape. Akiyama continued his investigation as Haruka competed in the Princess League, and he discovered that the Forger had been contacted by Katsuya's driver, Kanai. Suspecting Katsuya, Akiyama attempted to track him down, visiting him at his office. Katsuya calmly denied any role in Park's death, although Akiyama sensed a genuine sorrow within Katsuya, thus causing him to lose some of his suspicion. He then traveled to the Ousaka Enterprises headquarters at an Osaka junkyard, where he found an injured Ogita. Ogita agreed to confess to Park's murder if Akiyama saved him, but Kanai murdered Ogita before Akiyama left empty-handed, now without a lead.

Katsuya punishing Kamon Kanai
Kanai resorted to desperate measures, kidnapping Haruka from Dyna Chair. Katsuya intervened, punching Kanai and returning Haruka to Dyna Chair without injury. He then called her to ask for Majima's letter, secretly wanting to remove it from circulation, now that he was aware of Kanai's treason. Haruka agreed to meet him at Shin-Osaka Station, but Kanai beat him there. Akiyama learned of Haruka's meeting from her dance instructor Christina and arrived just in time to defeat Kanai and his henchmen, and he and Haruka decided to head to Tokyo, where they would be safer under Tojo protection. Afterwards, Katsuya - not yet revealing that he knew about Kanai's treason - strangled Kanai to within an inch of his life and burned his eyelid with a cigarette to punish him, supposedly for his failure to retrieve the letter.
Knowing that Kanai would follow Haruka to Tokyo, Katsuya decided to bring his Ousaka Enterprises army with him to Kabukicho, setting up a base at the Kabukicho Hills. On hearing of Katsuya's move on Tokyo without resistance, Watase - believing Katsuya to be planning a takeover of the Tojo - mobilized his even larger army and followed suit. This played into Kurosawa's plan, as his two remaining Omi rivals were now in the same location.

The Nagoya-gumi
Nagoya was the site of some of the first violent incidents of the war, owing to Kurosawa's deep ties to the city. In 1997, while still just patriarch of the Kuroha-gumi, Kurosawa decided to take advantage of a turf war between the Tojo-kai and Omi Alliance for control of Honjincho Street to kick both major players out of the city and establish his own supremacy. He persuaded the small business owners of Nagoya to form a quasi-vigilante organization, the Nagoya-gumi, through which he could control baseball match-fixing. In return, he had Coach Junpei Fujita sacrifice his batter Tatsuo Shinada to a manufactured sign-stealing scandal in June 1997, an event which brought about a police crackdown on the yakuza in the city. The Tojo and Omi fled Nagoya, allowing for the Nagoya-gumi to silently take over, hiding in plain sight while fixing games for Kurosawa and keeping their city otherwise free of yakuza. Fujita resigned as coach of the Nagoya Wyverns to take charge of the Nagoya-gumi, with Kurosawa pulling his strings in the background. The Nagoya Family stealthily took out its opponents through "accidents" such as vehicle hit-and-runs or falling pottery, windows and construction equipment. In December 2012, the Tojo's lieutenant Azumi and the Omi's Takachi were both killed in "accidents" in Nagoya, partly accomplishing Kurosawa's goal of getting rid of both clans' main officers.

After escaping Fukuoka, Daigo quietly made his way to Nagoya, where he wished to uncover the true nature of the mysterious Nagoya Family. While donning a mask, sunglasses, and a hat to obscure his identity, he contacted Shinada, his former high school classmate, and offered him 20 million yen to investigate the circumstances surrounding his ban from baseball in 1997. With the help of the loan shark Koichi Takasugi, Shinada learned from his former teammate Kanji Manabe that match-fixing had gone on in the 1990s and from his other teammate Atsushi Sakai that the Wyverns had sacrificed Shinada for the good of Nagoya. Shinada survived several "accidents," including one that killed Sakai. The Nagoya-gumi were forced to resort to dirty tricks to eliminate Shinada, pretending to kidnap his girlfriend Mieko Toriyama, who lured him to the docks to "rescue" her. There, Toriyama and the Nagoya-gumi kidnapped Shinada instead, but, before Takahiro Kubota could execute Shinada, Takasugi rode in on a forklift, sprayed Shinada's kidnappers with a fire hydrant, and escaped with Shinada. Manabe, feeling guilty over his role in ruining Shinada's dreams, offered half-hearted resistance at the end of Shinada's escape before agreeing to let Shinada know the leader of the Nagoya-gumi. He called Fujita on his phone and handed the phone to Shinada, who was shocked to learn that his former coach had betrayed him. Shinada relayed this information to Daigo, who, aware that the Nagoya Family was in the employ of Kurosawa, revealed his identity and decided to confront Fujita in Tokyo.

The Kuroha hitmen surrounding Shinada and Yuki Sawada
With the Nagoya-gumi now dangerously exposed, Kurosawa ordered a hit squad led by Nobuyuki Kanatsuka to assassinate Shinada. At the same time, the remorseful Fujita decided to return to baseball as coach of the Tokyo Gigants, leaving the leadership of the Nagoya-gumi to his star pitcher Yuki Sawada, who promptly traded to the Nagoya Wyverns as an excuse to return home. Sawada waited for Shinada to come look for him at the Wyverns Stadium, where Shinada sure enough arrived to ask Sawada about their fateful June 1997 match, where Sawada had pitched the fastball that led to Shinada's controversial home run. Sawada could not bring himself to shoot Shinada, especially before Shinada explained how he knew that he was going to pitch the fastball, so he shot Kanatsuka before the latter could kill Shinada. The two former rivals then teamed up to take down the hit squad, after which Sawada revealed that Fujita had asked him to pitch the fastball in order to see a glimmer of real baseball in an otherwise-fixed last match before Fujita left baseball to take over the family. Shinada, believing that Fujita had wanted him to uncover the truth, also decided to head to Tokyo to meet him, although Sawada warned him about a dangerous plot concerning the Tokyo Dome before he left.

Kiryu returning to Kabukicho
Soon, Kiryu, Saejima, Haruka, Akiyama, Shinada, Daigo, Watase, Katsuya, and Majima were all bound for Tokyo for their own reasons, thus letting Kurosawa execute the last phase of his master plan. After killing Fujita at his office and framing Katsuya for the crime - thus preventing him from confessing the Nagoya-gumi's match-fixing and potentially misleading the Tojo men about the real Omi traitor - Kurosawa met with Saejima and persuaded him to search for Morinaga. At the same time, Kiryu noticed that Baba was tailing him, and he confronted Baba and persuaded him to reveal many of the details of the plot, although he was initially unaware of the mastermind. Aizawa, who had faked his death in Fukuoka with Morinaga's help, then had Morinaga executed and Katsuya's fingerprints planted at the scene of the crime, again directing suspicion towards Katsuya. The detective Makoto Date later met with Kiryu at the Serena Executive Lounge and informed him that Katsuya was suspected of the murders of both Morinaga and Fujita. Meanwhile, Aizawa met Saejima in the Florist of Sai's underground coliseum as Saejima searched for intelligence on Morinaga, and it was there that the Florist revealed Morinaga's death and the discovery of Katsuya's fingerprints. At the same time, Akiyama returned to his Sky Finance office, where Shinada visited him and urgently asked for 320 million yen so that he could arrange for Haruka's debut concert to be cancelled. Akiyama refused, as he wanted Haruka to live out Park's dream of performing at the Tokyo Bowl, although he and Shinada agreed to find and eliminate any threat to her safety.

Dream Line practicing for their show
Katsuya also plotted in the background, still intent on drawing out the traitor. He gave a televised announcement in which he said that Haruka's concert would be postponed for one day, and T-Set would perform in her place that evening. Privately, he contacted Dyna Chair and revealed that he and Park had planned Haruka and T-Set's rivalry and intended to merge Haruka with T-Set to form the supergroup Dream Line, which would perform together the next day. Secretly, Katsuya moved the date of the concert so that Kurosawa's enemies would be ready to prevent him from making a move against Haruka, Kiryu's adoptive daughter.

Kiryu confronting Katsuya
Seeing Katsuya's televised announcement as a veiled message, Kiryu and Saejima each separately made their way to Kabukicho Hills to confront the man who had supposedly killed Morinaga. Kiryu cleared the way, taking down Katsuya's army of Ousaka Enterprises henchmen before confronting him in his office. Saejima, facing no resistance, followed suit, and Watase - who wished to confront Katsuya about his move into Kabukicho - also arrived. Katsuya then revealed to the men that he intended for all four of them to be in the same place, as they were all targets of the main conspirator. Katsuya proposed that they head to the roof and stage a fake "fight to the death" to persuade the conspirator that they were killing each other as according to his plan, upon which the conspirator would make himself known.

Daigo confronting Kurosawa
Kiryu defeated Watase in a fight as Saejima took down Katsuya, and, as Kiryu and Saejima fought to a draw, Kurosawa appeared on the opposite rooftop and fired several shots, injuring all four men. Kurosawa had intended to kill them on the same roof, but, aware of his frailty, he chose to shoot from a distance, thus accidentally leaving them alive. He revealed himself to be the man behind the plot, and that Watase and Katsuya were mere pawns in his plan whom he intended to kill. While Kurosawa shot Katsuya again as he protected Watase, Daigo arrived just in time to prevent Kurosawa from shooting again. Dojima offered Kurosawa the choice of taking his own life or being executed, but Daigo hesitated to shoot too long; Kanai then emerged and shot Daigo in the back, allowing Kurosawa to escape while giving Kiryu a cryptic threat about harming Haruka at her concert. Daigo and Katsuya were both hospitalized, while Kiryu was left distraught and Watase vengeful.

The friends meeting up at New Serena
Kiryu, Saejima, Akiyama, and Shinada finally met up at New Serena, making each other's acquaintances and catching each other up about what they had learned thus far. Akiyama obtained the layout of the Tokyo Dome from a visit to Haruka, while Shinada warned the others of the plot to kill Haruka during her performance. The friends decided to rest until the next day, when they would use their combined strength to keep Haruka safe and defeat Kurosawa.

The arrival of Kanai's army
Early next evening, before the friends could take action, Kurosawa put the next part of his plan into action. He and several gunmen took over the Millennium Tower and captured Majima at his office, holding him hostage. At the same time, Kanai prepared to move into Tokyo with a large Kuroha-gumi army. The four friends met at the Millennium Tower, planning on rescuing Daigo, only to evade a hit attempt by four Kuroha gunmen wearing Majima-gumi pins; the gunmen had intended to stage a fake rescue attempt for Majima to make it look as though his family and the Tojo were resorting to violence to rescue him, thus attracting legal prsesure. The friends tricked the gunmen into shooting each other, only for Kanai and his henchmen to arrive in their hundreds. The friends decided to split up, with Kiryu and Akiyama holding off Kanai's men as Saejima and Shinada used the sewers to get to Majima and Haruka, respectively.

Saejima and Majima's battle
Saejima and Shinada fought their way through the sewers before splitting paths. Saejima made his way to the roof of the Millennium Tower, where he confronted Kurosawa and demanded to know where Majima was. Kurosawa had a chained Majima brought forth and demanded that he and Saejima fight to the death, lest he give Baba the order to kill Haruka at the concert; he showed Saejima a live-stream on his phone, showing how Baba was in an ideal position to shoot. Keeping Shinada's plan in mind, Saejima agreed to fight Majima, irking Kurosawa by thanking him for the opportunity to fight his sworn brother. As those two engaged in a drawn-out fight, Shinada found Baba in the outfield stands. Baba, feeling remorseful for betraying Saejima, decided to pack up his gun and leave, but Shinada confronted Baba and decided to punish him for even contemplating such a heinous murder. Shinada beat Baba down before the two men rested, fatigued from their fight. Baba, now sure that Saejima would not want to swear an oath of brotherhood anymore, attempted to shoot himself, but Deputy Warden Kosaka, Himura, and Heihachiro Oshima arrived, having been asked by Saejima to find and help Baba before he did something regrettable. Himura shot the rifle out of Baba's hand, and they persuaded Baba to come home to his cellmates at Abashiri, where he would likely spend the rest of his life in prison.

Kurosawa surrendering
As Saejima and Majima stopped fighting, Kurosawa threatened to give the order to kill Haruka, but Saejima tauntingly tossed Kurosawa's phone back to him, showing Shinada making mocking gestures at the camera now that Haruka was safe. An angered Kurosawa ordered his four gunmen to shoot Majima and Saejima, but Katsuya and Daigo arrived just in time, with Katsuya propping up Daigo as the chairman shot the gunmen and forced Kurosawa to surrender.

Kanai being surrounded
Meanwhile, Akiyama and Kiryu continued to fight off Kanai's men until Daigo called Kiryu, warning him to get back to the Tojo headquarters with urgency. Akiyama was left to fight Kanai alone, but, unbeknownst to everyone, Daigo had secretly contacted the recovered Madarame, Kitakata, and Watase and persuaded them to lend their armies to mop up Kanai's forces. After Akiyama defeated Kanai in a fight, Kanai found himself surrounded by the rival yakuza clans, and he was forced to kneel in submission, his invasion defeated. Watase then led the other yakuza in bowing to Akiyama out of respect for how a non-yakuza lender had saved Kabukicho.

Kiryu fighting Aizawa
While Tokyo was caught up in the midst of a gang war, Aizawa moved to take control of the Tokyo for himself. He arrived at the Tojo Clan headquarters and executed dozens of the Tojo-kai's patriarch, significantly weakening the opposition to his takeover. Aizawa then sat in Daigo's chair and awaited the arrival of Kiryu, who was horrified at the sight of the dead patriarchs in the snow. Kiryu made his way to the main chamber, where he was surprised to see Aizawa alive and waiting for him. Aizawa then rebuked Kiryu for supporting Daigo, whom he believed worthless due to his nepotism and reliance on Kiryu, and he stated his intention to see the strongest prevail in the yakuza world. When Kiryu asked his connection to Kurosawa, Aizawa revealed that he was Kurosawa's son. However, he disregarded his father's instructions to use a katana to kill Kiryu, instead insisting that he wanted to fight Kiryu man-to-man to determine who would be the superior warrior. Kiryu agreed to be the test that Aizawa had to pass in order to seize power, and the two engaged in a long, hard-fought battle that left both men severely injured. Before Aizawa passed out, Kiryu told him to come find him again if he intended on giving his power play another try, but Kiryu - his gunshot wound opened - passed out from his own injuries.
Kurosawa, defeated, was promptly deposed as Omi chairman, and he died of cancer shortly after his illness flared up atop the Millennium Tower. It is unknown what became of Aizawa, but he faded from significance as the Omi chose a new chairman, with Watase remaining the Omi's captain. Haruka Sawamura surprised her fans by announcing her immediate retirement from the idol industry during the second act of her concert, as she refused to conceal her relationship with Kiryu to the public. This announcement caused a firestorm, as the police arrested Kiryu at the hospital to save face; he spent the next four years in prison. The Tojo would continue its decline in Kiryu's absence, and, in 2015, the Sugai-gumi patriarch Katsumi Sugai carried out an arson attack on Little Asia as part of a fake war with his allies in the Saio Triad, enabling the Saio to expand throughout Kabukicho and Daigo and Majima to be arrested for the tragedy. The Omi also took some time to recover from the war, with Watase becoming a more even-tempered man after the events of 2012 and, while serving as acting chairman due to the Chairman's illness, he kept the peace with the Tojo due to his good relations with Daigo. Their friendship, together with the adoption of anti-yakuza laws in the mid-2010s, contributed to their later decision to jointly dissolve the Omi and Tojo in the "Great Dissolution" of 2019.